Welcome to the Spirit and Truth Tabernacle website. We pray that you will enjoy your visit and that you will come often. We are honored just knowing that God has given us the grace to serve Him and His precious bride in these end times. Upon visiting we trust you will find that the Lord has established this ministry. We covet your prayers, as we earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.
You are welcome to our sanctuary to fellowship with us at any time. Remember, we have no creed but Christ, no law but love, and no doctrine but the bible. God richly bless you.

Bro Jack Duff is the founder of Spirit & Truth Tabernacle and has been the pastor for 20 years.
To express God’s thoughts to His people in an effort to establish the true spiritual relationship between God and men wherein men become new creations in Christ, filled with His Spirit and live according to His Word.
Our vision is inspired from Ephesians 4:11-15: To bring the saints to a perfect place in Christ. To continue the ministry of Jesus Christ. To edify the body of Jesus Christ.
Church Events
Spirit & Truth Tabernacle is a very fellowship-oriented church and we value being with saints of like precious faith.
We welcome you to join us in fellowship when events occur!