About Us

Our Church

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 

Spirit and Truth Tabernacle is a church that fully believes the scripture. We believe that the Lord is diverse in His creation and expresses that in the way He unites people of all nations. Our ministry has reached the lands of Canada, South America, Australia, Zimbabwe, London, Jamaica, Bequia, Ghana, Haiti, South Africa, and many states including Alaska.

Through this, we have become a diverse congregation with saints from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Ghana, and the United States. We truly feel that God has blessed us to fulfill the words of the Apostle Paul in stating that God’s church would have diversities of gifts as well as diversities of tongues (languages).


Outreach Opportunities

“If the church were truly Spiritually rich, its influence would be felt upon community life.” (WMB)

Yes, we are truly grateful that God has given us the opportunities to minister on a national and international level. However, we have also responded to the challenging statement above, through multiple avenues.

The saints of Spirit and Truth Tabernacle have ministered to those in homeless shelters. We have conducted monthly services in independent living facilities. Our efforts included having bible study and worship services for those who were unable to attend our weekly services.

Spirit and Truth Tabernacle hosts a back to school drive to provide school supplies to both students and teachers. This effort is conducted twice a year. We purchase supplies, load the backpacks, hand out flyers, and invite the community to partake in the drive. After children receive their backpacks, they are invited to service for a special prayer of protection before entering the new school year.


Our church was involved in an open door tent meeting in Okeechobee, Florida. We partnered with a sister church in efforts to reach the people of that community. The outreach efforts were to pass out invitations in the community, rent the tent and chairs and to preach the Word of God. Bibles were also donated so we could give to new converts. We look forward to doing this again.

MATTHEW 14:21 – And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. 

In addition to the back to school drives, we volunteer on a weekly basis for a food pantry in our local community. Through this we have been provided the opportunity to annually bless multiple families with Thanksgiving turkeys as well as Christmas gift cards. Doors have opened for us to pray for the sick who pass through these lines and some have visited our church. Our desire is to do all we can to reach that last predestinated seed in our community.

Ministering to the 'whole' person

We truly believe that ministry should impact our homes. When families are strong, the church is strong. As a ministry we have offered support to our married couples by hosting “To have and to hold” sessions. The curriculum is designed to strengthen the bonds of marriage. We believe all marriages are a work in progress and we do all we can to equip the marriages within our church as well as those within our community.

We are also concerned about personal finances and thus have share the Financial Peace curriculum with couples, individuals, and even our youth. Dave Ramsey does a good job of helping people apply practical principles in stewarding their finances. We simply offer an environment for anyone to learn these concepts and thus experience freedom in their finances. Our heart is to minister to the ‘whole’ person.