Community Resources

James 5 v 16

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availleth much.

If you would like prayer, please know we are readily available to offer prayer on behalf of your request. We understand that there are times when life wipe provide challenges. It is during these times that we must be certain that God has everything under control. Keep the faith when life seems upside down. God is faithful and He has proven to specialize in things that seem impossible. If you are in need of a miracle we believe God is able to provide it.

Our goal is to provide helpful tips to any and all who may benefit from these suggestions. One of the local churches in our area compiled this list of resources within our community and the surrounding areas. Please review this list of resources. We trust it will provide direction for you as you sort through the options. Remember, no matter the trial, this to shall pass.