Do what’s in Your Heart!
‘ello there 🙂
Well, this is my very first post on our church’s website. So (of course), I had a hard time trying to decide what to say with out sounding…Well, like I know the Message inside and out. So with that, I decided to write on a topic that has been somewhat, if you will, “burning within me”..’Do What’s in Your Heart’… So now, I suppose that saying can mean many different things…and there’s just so many channels it can flow through. However personally for me, this is how it touched me: Now, I guess when we are young adults in Christ going to church, it (for some odd reason) sees to be very “abnormal” to raise our hands, jump around, or say amen – loudly. Yet for the longest time, I always tried to figure out why in the world is it just so difficult? Of course, you have those who are skeptics and are very critical. Or you have those that joke around after service is over. Not because they’re your brother and are happy that you felt God’s presence, but rather to crush your experience and make fun. However, its like we think more eyes are watching us than we could ever imagine….Whereas in reality, none really are. When Bro. Diggs preached in Okeechobee (back in 2008)said “Do what’s in Your heart”, I could’ve screamed…But, I didn’t because the whole church was quiet..haha. Yet anyways, that made me see that there’s so much worship and so much love for God in my heart, but I’m slow to express it. I think that we’re too afraid to give God our all and our best. Its funny how we can scream and shout during a football game or a round of UNO, but when it comes to God, we’re as quiet as we can be. OR! We go to Youth meetings, where ever they may be, and express ourselves so freely. Yet when we’re back home at church, some of us act as if nothing ever happened to begin with. Isn’t that so sad? 🙁 Its easy to say “The Lord said, ‘Whether two or three are gathered in My Name’….” or “Let my lick of fire touch your lick of fire”… know, there’s SO much more to that. There’s a bigger picture that you and I cannot see because we hinder ourselves because we, as young adults, desire to be “normal like the others” than like Him. I suppose this can correlate with Come Up Higher. We’ve ALL been invited, but its up to you to come on up. Oh but wait, first you have to come out, then come up. So I say to you my young friend, don’t be of a slothful spirit and not give God the praise that He so richly deserves. Do whatever is in YOUR heart 🙂
Okay dokey, peace be with you..Or in other words, Shalom 🙂
I back you up a 100%. People go through their daily lives shouting at what happens around them. But when it comes to God, they are shy – and it isn’t right. Jesus deserves to have all the shouts and praises because if it weren’t for the message, we would have been lost. As this song says, ‘shine the light, show the world Jesus is the answer’. And it’s true He is.
oh my my my, sis Alex u just nailed it to the bone. its amazing how many of us young people have so much energy for the world but none for the Word. If only we could really think deep about what ‘Calvary’ really means, and God opens our eyes, we would give everything we have to just say thank you for another day. God went all the way to pay the price and got a receipt for it too, just so we could live, and we can’t give all we have just to say thank you to a finished work? He was shamed in public and yet He never said a word, He still went all the way, but we find it hard to raise one hand to say THANK YOU LORD? And this is not because of people who would give their lives for u, but because of what they think about us. What does God think about that then?
We oughta praise Him all day long. Praise the Lord at all times and let His praises be continually in your mouth. Let everything that hath breath Praise Him, not some, but all. We are here to Worship God, so we should do it with everything.
When things get hard and you are ready to let go of yourself, remember, you aren’t the one holding it together in the first place; so, you aren’t the one to decided when to hold on and when to let go. Don’t give up! Psalms 37:25 says, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread.” God will not forsake you in the time of need. On the way up to calvary a tired Jesus fell to the ground unable to move forward. He had all power in His hand to turn the situation around… Yet, He never said a mumbling word… He looked 2,000 years down the road and saw you and me. He got up. Not because He wanted to, but because He had to! He didn’t give up on you so don’t you give up on Him! Jesus told Peter the devil desired to sift Him as wheat. Then He said, “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” (Luke 22:32) God knows just how much you can bare! He has a prayer, a promise, looming over your life. When you are converted, brought to a change, have a shifting of mindset or beliefs, you may strengthen your brethren. This situation has to do with you but it’s not entirely about you. You may be going through for someone else. God knew you could take it and they couldn’t. So He allows you to go through it so you can lead them in the right direction when they come up to the same trial. God doesn’t enjoy listening to you murmur and complain. He doesn’t find glory out of that! He hates it just as much as you hate your trial. Yet, He puts up with you so you put up with your trial. Before the beginning of time God knew you and formed all your footsteps. He saw your high moments and your lowest of lows. He saw you for your past, present, and future. He saw you cry and He counted the tears. He knew how many you would cry before your trial was up. He counted your headaches and weighed their severity. He knew how much pain you could take before the trial was up. He measured your confusion knowing the perfect amount you would needed before you came to realize it’s not about you; but, it’s all about Him. He played each trial and circumstance out for you in His mind. And then, after it was all done, He formed you. He put every ability to overcome in you. He made you the ruler of your circumstances. You were created to master everything you go through. God’s thoughts are as real as you yourself are. That means the trials He thought for you were real. In His mind you REALLY had a trial; and, in His mind you REALLY overcame. God is more than able to help you in your trials. He is faithful and keeps ALL His promises!
Keep The Faith Saints!
God Bless You,
*Rachel Wesco
While in morning devotions today I came across a little devotion that I thought was pretty profound. It speaks so eloquently of the importance of honesty in our christian walk.
This also puts greater emphasis on the quote shared in an earlier post by Bro. Jack “Striking at the women and men both last night, and seeing them, in respect to the Word, stand up and admit they’re wrong, want God’s forgiveness, and to go on… This is the place to have a revival. If there’d be any revival I know of, it’d happen right along here, where honest hearts.”
– William Branham. So, if you don’t mind I would love to share it with you. This comes from “Our Daily Bread”:
Today is National Honesty Day in the United States. It is a little-known designation for April 30, but an important one nonetheless.
Author M. Hirsh Goldberg established National Honesty Day in the early 1990s as a way to honor the honorable and encourage honesty. He said that April 30 was selected because “April begins with a day dedicated to lying [April Fool’s Day] and should end on a higher moral note.”
Honesty Day would be a good time to review the value of this trait according to God’s Word. Honesty is not as easy as it seems—but we please God by striving for it.
An understanding of honesty begins with recognizing that God—our ultimate example—is truth (Deut. 32:4) and that He cannot lie (Num. 23:19; Heb. 6:18). Also, He hates falsehood (Prov. 6:16-19). Beyond that, all lies have as their originator Satan himself (John 8:44).
For our part, we can use these Scriptures as our guide: “A righteous man hates lying” (Prov. 13:5); love rejoices in truth (1 Cor. 13:6); lying is part of the old nature (Col. 3:9); growth means setting aside deceit (1 Peter 2:1); and speaking truth declares righteousness (Prov. 12:17).
Let’s make every day Honesty Day.
Help me, dear Lord, to be honest and true
In all that I say and all that I do;
Give me the courage to do what is right,
To bring to the world a glimpse of Your light. —Fasick
People who trust God’s Word should be people whose word can be trusted.
What a powerful thought we heard today on the Revelation of our enemy. We should not let these things slip as God brings them to our hearts. All the devil knows, is that he is the devil. All we should know, is that we are sons and daughters of God. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. I am looking in the back of the book as encouraged to see and tell Satan, you gone get it, you gone get it, you gone get it. Bro. Caleb told us we could find it in Revelation 20:10 or “Revelation 2010”. Praise God, I am a winner.
Yesterday and today I’ve taken time to really go over the message Bro. Caleb spoke on yesterday. So many times we go through things and want to know how the outcome will be… And I finally realize that, all this time, the answer was right “at the back of the Book.” My heart is so overjoyed and my spirit is lifted. It’s not only the fact of the battle being over, it’s knowing that I am free! For so long the devil has created an illusion in my life. And what is an illusion? It’s when you think you see something that isn’t really there. Well, today I stand and say, “Devil, I dont know what you THOUGHT you saw in me, but I can tell you who I really am. I am a daughter of God.” Like we tell people sometimes, “You don’t know me!” Now I can say that to the devil. I’m going to press on and on with all I know! The world has nothing to offer me! The world has nothing to offer you, young people. We are striving for a rapture. Revelation 20:10 is the devil’s ending… Don’t let that be your testimony, too. Come to Jesus.
What a weekend to remember! Let Freedom Ring was the theme of the Okeechobee meetings. I was absolutely blessed by the messages I heard from Bro. Perry, Bro. Mullins, and Bro. Caleb. I truly believe the Word had an affect, after I took the limits off of God. I realize that only Christ is worthy, and while everything else is shaking, we are still holding on and the enemy is trying to figure how did we do that.
I have been very inspired by the Messages that have been coming to us from various ministers and through that inspiration I have wondered how can I be a blessing to someone thru the hearing and reading of God’s Word. Well, recently a trial came up in the lives of my family and through that trial a thought came to me. I will share this thought with you and I pray that whosoever reads it will be blessed and begin to wonder. The thought is “What part of you is God using?”
Are you His eyes so that you see His sons and daughters as He sees them? Showing compassion, understanding, and lovingkindness, when there are no words to say that will bring comfort to a soul.
Maybe, you are His arms, that would reach out and embrace a soul lonely, scared and ashamed, so much so that that soul could not hold up his or her head for fear of seeing embrassment or ridicule in the eyes of those who are suppose to see him or her as God sees them.
Or, you could be His mouth, raising your voices in songs, poems, or words of encouragement for hope, faith and most of all love. Bringing soothing comfort to a tortured soul running for his or her life.
Are there only special kinds of people allowed to sacrifice reputation, and status to be a blessing or meet the needs of someone. Whatever happened to gettig out of your comfort zone to meet the needs of others.
God bless you, Saints!
There is something in my heart that I just wanted to say.
In a recent prayer service, I was praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our congregation, and in the Bride as a whole. I also prayed for the upcoming Acquire the Fire youth meetings. I began reading Joel 2, because I wanted to read about the Lord’s promise to pour out His Spirit in the last days. When I read verse 21, it really struck my heart. It says, “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.”
I held on to that verse. Then, Bro. Jack read the same exact thing in the service. I know that God is going to fulfill Joel 2 once more, just like He did in the upper room. We don’t have to worry. God says not to fear, for He WILL do great things.
The devil is really busy, figthing the youth and such. But, God is even busier. While we’re praying for the Holy Ghost to fall, that mighty outpouring is already on the way! I believe it with all my heart.
Keep believing, saints. God will not let one word return to Him void. Every promise He gave, He WILL perform!
G’morning saints! What an awesome presence there must’ve been when God spoke creation into existence! For He breathed Life upon His Spoken Word and anointed it to grow. He inspired it to come forth! And that’s how it is with every born-again believer! Daily He’s quickening the Word in you, making It real in your life, anointing you to wholly become It little by little unto adoption! And though Satan desires to have you and sift you as wheat, Jesus Himself has prayed for you! (Lk. 22:31) Oh my! Nothing can stop, defeat, or hinder you! Wife of the Lamb, your Husband has prayed for you! You’ve been anointed to grow! Happy Sunday!
G’morning saints! God is re-establishing His civilization in the minds of His people! Since the fall, the devil, through perversion of the Word, has distorted and blackened the minds of the people, and created a culture of science to challenge the Word of the Lord. But God will have a people that will not be defiled nor deceived by the tactics of the enemy! We are His habitation! We have the mind of Christ! Though the world craves a tangible, organized God, we are a faith civilization, living and walking in today’s anointed Word, and receiving revelation by the Spirit! You are a chosen generation, a royal prieshood, a holy nation, a peculiar people cultured to worship and display the Christ that dwells in you! Happy Sunday!
During and after the Acquire the Fire meetings something happened in my life that I wanted to share…
There were many alter calls during the course of the meetings of which I did not participate in any (not because I didn’t want to.) I sat on the piano (or organ) and prayed to myself while playing “I Surrender All” or “Create in Me a Clean Heart.” It seemed those songs became more and more personal to me as the meetings went on… However, while everyone else cried out to God for forgiveness and salvation, I sat there at my post of duty… And just prayed… No tears, no screaming, no falling out… Just praying…
At first, I believed something was wrong with me… I wasn’t emotional like the rest. How could this be? Was the spirit of God moving and I’d become so desensitized to the “tradition” of a regular alter call that I didn’t feel the need to enter in? Of course I worried greatly about this and prayed even more aggressively… Soon I found myself trying to MAKE an emotional workup. I later realized it doesn’t work like that…
I came out of the meetings with an assurance that God had done something in my life. However, I only felt that I Acquired the “Spark” and not the “Fire.” Troubled, I prayed God for an answer to this mind battle, for the SAME THING happened LAST Acquire the fire meetings… I began to remember the church saying we were going into “Revival” during the meetings… We often acquaint the word revival to the beach; for the waters beat against the beach vigorously washing the trash on the shore… They say the tall waves and loud hard splashes is the oceans way of getting rid of the trash… Well, there were no vigorous cries of forgiveness and/or salvation coming forth from me. I didn’t “vigorously” jump up and down screaming and hollering… What was wrong?!
What was wrong… My approach. God later showed me that, even in the calmest times of the day, those waves still beat on the beach shores. Slowly they come in, slowly they go out. Still, a cleansing is taking place. Everyone has their own ways of experiencing God. Some may jump, some may cry, some may just pray silently. The point is, however, to reach God. Revival isn’t something that takes places on the outside… Revival is an inward cleansing that expresses itself outwardly. Going to the beach, you see the waves; however, you don’t see where they start. You don’t see the push they give just to get to that point where they can let it all go on the sandy beaches. I believe God has started a revival in me and I am pushing and pressing with all I know. I’ve come too far to allow the devil to tell me I’ve gone too in the wrong direction.
Today, God reminded and showed me two pieces of writing I wrote after last year’s Acquire the Fire. The first exert from the first writing said, “Devil, you may have made me feel that I only Acquired a Spark from Acquire the Fire; however, I am going to use that spark to light up your world.” The second exert came from an entry I made expressing a time, much like this time, where I didn’t feel “emotional” when I prayed… At this time I was praying for God to forgive my past sins. I’d asked Him before and felt like I was forgiven; yet I found myself BACK in prayer asking Him to forgive me of the SAME sins… Here is what the entry said:
“I went on for months not feeling guilty for the sins I had committed in the past. I went crazy thinking, “Oh no! I don’t even care that I committed the sins! Does this mean that my heart has turned hard? That I don’t care anymore when I sin?” I questioned my faith sooo many times over the last couple of weeks…
Last night we had prayer service and I began to cry out to God to give me that same Zeal for him that Jehu had in 2 Kings 10:16…. And then I said, “Lord forgive me of the sins I committed so many years ago!!!”….. Once again, I felt no guilt for the sins…. Like, I didn’t care that they even happened. So I started crying saying I had lost my Zeal for God and that sinning didn’t matter to me anymore… yada yada yada… Then I said, “God why don’t I feel guilty??” The answer was so self checking it sent me into another stream of tears!!
God said, “You asked me to forgive you and help you to forget the sins. You asked me to take the guilt away… Now you’re asking me to give you that guilt back??” Now I was crying for God to forgive my unbelief. Lol. Then Mark 3:28 struck my heart. I had never read that scripture before and kept thinking, “Oh this is one of those moments that every Christian wants to have. That moment where they can say Oh God gave me this scripture.” I thought I was just trying to make a “Moment” for myself. Lol. So, anyways, I was like, “No, lm going to keep praying.” But it was in my heart so deep to turn to Mark 3:28… I kept saying “I don’t even know if there are 28 versus in mark 3!!” Lol. I still don’t know how many versus are in Mark 3! But, finally, I picked up my Bible and turned to Mark 3:28 and it said:
‘Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men…’”
I thank God for bringing these experiences back to my memory; for they have encouraged me to keep fighting, keep pressing, know that I am forgiven, and to stay in revival..
I apologize for the length of this entry. However, I hope that it helps and reaches out to someone in some way.
Lately I’ve been asking God for a lot of things for myself, others, and our churches. I am really expecting God to pour out His Spirit on all of us that we’ll never be the same. I want a change in my life and everyone else around me. So I encourage you all never stop praying for God’s power to fall on us. I believe that once it does we’ll never want to leave it again.
Throughout the beginning God spoke the world into existence. As Bro. Branham said, He spoke “Let there be…” and walked away. But I noticed something. When God got to man He said, “Let us CREATE man…” He didnt use spoken word to make man. He formed them by hand. He never turned His back and expected it to be done. He watched over His creation from beginning to end and when He was done He saw that it was good! No matter what happens in life, God had His hands and eyes on you. He uses the “dirt” you go through to mold you into His perfect image. Keep pressing on! You’re in Gods hands. Everything will be alright 🙂
Isaiah 64:8
Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
The bible tells us to exercise our faith. In order to do that, first we got to know what exercise means. Well It’s like a person doing bodily exercices, like pumping weights. The more they exercise, the bigger and stronger there muscles become. It’s the same, the more we put our faith to use we are exercising it,it’s becoming a way of life to us. Always remember, your faith from last year won’t do it. You have to keep increasing. Another example, if you keep using the same weight, it will do you no good. That’s why in lifting weights you got to keep adding weight to it, if not your muscles will get used to that weight. It’s the same with our faith muscles, keep using it, lets start it right now, as we pray for each other, you pray for me as I pray for you! May GOD richly bless you
Bro Leeroy
I’ve been in this message a long time now, I never was in a service, that I didn’t get blessed. It’s a secret to that, for the new believers, or the ones simply just don’t know, here is my little secret to you. First, always pray up before you come to church, present your request to Him. Maybe you need an answer, some leading, some correction, you may not know that you are wrong on something. When you get to church, after you get through praying, then read your bible, after that worship Him, in a song tell him that you love Him; set the stage, when you do that, GOD will enter into that minister’s mind and direct him throuhgh to the very thing you are going throuh. He will tell you what to do, answer you questions, even tell you what you are doing wrong. He is an on time GOD yes He is! Sometimes I look in awe to the only GOD that can do that. This is very important, when He corrects you never get mad at the minister, I tell you it’s not him its GOD! If it’s good or bad say “amen”! If any thing in your heart against any one repent and please make it right. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that, never sit on GOD, by all means worship him always regardless. An object of worship can only worship, always keep the ox of the team your pastor in prayer and please never gossip about any one. Never become a babbler in the church it could tear up a church, just keep quiet, mind your own business, I encourge you to read “face book”, keep your face in the bible and the message, let my secret become your secret as well, just a little talk to another sheep. GOD bless you
To the Bride of Christ, here is some encouraging words to uplift your spirit. When things are not going the way you want them, remember that GOD is in control. When you are going through trial after trial, test after test, keep your head up. Don’t even think about giving up. The fight is in you to go on. Rehearse these words in your heart. Let these words echo in your ears. Say with a loud voice, I GOT TO MUCH TO GAIN TO LOSE. Praise the LORD, hallelujah. Young people in your schools, when they ask you why you dress and act the way that you do?Tell them because, I GOT TO MUCH TO GAIN TO LOSE. First tell them that you get to escape the damnation of hell’s fire. Now tell them that you will gain eternal life, streets of gold, a body change, a happy wonderful life with JESUS. Not just young people; but the older ones too. On your jobs, when they ask you, that question why do you act and dress that way? It’s a way that’s very odd to them. Be stern and tell them, I GOT TO MUCH TO GAIN TO LOSE. Tell them what you got to gain, a new young eternal life body, no more sickness, no more pain, a perfect life, perfect happiness, and to forever be with my LORD JESUS. What more can a mortal ask for. Please don’t be like the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16. He had it the other way. He had TO MUCH TO LOSE TO GAIN. He had it all in his earthly life as a rich man, but had nothing in heaven. He also lost out on heaven; but he gained the fires of hell. To all that’s reading this passage of scriptures. Please don’t gain sin in your life and lose out on heaven. You can’t gain both places. You got to gain one and lose the other. There is nothing to gain in this world. Look around the world is in a chaotic condition. It’s about to give away, for the new heaven and new earth. Do all you can to gain heaven and to escape hell. I cry out to you, get your life right with my God.
GOD bless you saints. There has been something on my heart for a while now that I would like to share with you. It is about a GPS and we all no what that is. It stands for global positioning service. It tells the driver the fastest route in the shortesr period of time to reach there final destination. Something struck me like a bolt of lighting and this was instantly placed on my heart. GOD also has a GPS. His GPS stands for GOD’S PREDESTINATED SEED and their final destination is the new earth, new Jerusalem as found in Revelation 21. GOD’S GPS is no ordinary GPS. It is a supernatural one and under no circumstances can it ever be stopped. Because it is doing the driving. Sure you can get side tracked or sometimes stop, but you will get back on track. Here is some bible believers, that got side tracked, but they made it to there destination. King David was destined to be king over judah and Jerusalem. No matter what happened in between, he came to his destination. Joseph was destined to go to Egypt. The hole that he was put in could not stop him. Even prison couldn’t stop him. He had to come out to go to Egypt, praise GOD. Another one named Jonah, tried to take another route. GOD caused a storm to get him back on track. He tried to run but, he couldn’t hide. GOD had furnished another ride to Nineveh for him. GOD had destined Nineveh as Jonah’s final destination. He couldn’t get out of it, neither can you are I. The devil and all of hell cannot stop us, Sure he will try to side track us, he will try to slow us down, but not even death can stop us. To stop us is like trying to stop GOD and he cannot be stopped. His plan cannot return VOID, that’s impossible. Do not look at what’s going on now. Hold your head up keep going to the end. Before the world ever was, GOD had a plan of redemption. So you can get a more clearer picture, in the dictionary, redemption means rescue, to take back, deliverance from sin. We are brothers and sisters and we are the fulfillment of GOD’S thoughts from the beginning. We are GOD’S thoughts expressed in a body of flesh. I can almost here is voice say to my bride you have reach your final destination, welcome and enter into the joy of the LORD. I hope this has been an encouragement to someone.
GOD bless you church. Wow, what wonderful bible studies we have been having lately. So great, I can’t wait until next week. Just to briefly explain why I pull on the word in bible studies. Because GOD is in the midst of us. Well to some people it is just another bible study, but to me bible study is no different from preaching, teaching, or any other service. It is just the approach is a little different. It’s all the word of GOD. It’s another meal that comes from the mouth of GOD himself. What a profound thing that is! When I eat natural food, I must open my mouth to receive the food. This is a type for when I go to church. How do i eat? By opening my mouth and saying amen,or that’s right, or preach it brother. Let me ask you a question? Have you ever seen someone at their favorite restaurant eating with a sad look on there face or mad at the food. No, they are smiling, laughing, joking, having a good old time. We are all GOD’S children though different from one another. Our voices are different as some have louder voices and some have soft voices, but we can all open our mouth and eat. In the natural, I smack when I eat food. I can’t help that. I also smack in church by pulling and eating on the word of GOD. I will always remember some advice from my mother when I was a small child. She told me when eating, not to eat to fast because it will not digest correctly. Sometimes it will come back up. In church I listen carefully, not to say amen too fast or too soon. I want it to digest just right so I can spiritually absorb the word of GOD in my soul. Last night that bible study was to good, for me not to comment on it.
GOD bless you my brothers and sisters, children, babies and all in the church.
Thank you PASTOR,
Bro. Leeroy
God bless you saints. Well, I am out of the hospital. God once again delivered me from the enemy. I just got to briefly comment on that message ministered by Pastor Smiley, on Sunday August 14,2011. All I can say is wow, what a profound message that was. Remember church, Pastor Duff had just finished out on Revelation chapter 20. He even gave us a book titled ‘The Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride”, to start the next series. But, Bro. Smiley stepped into that inspiration first, talking about that glorious day in heaven with our LORD. Bro. Smiley was truly, spiritually inspired by the Holy Ghost. Only God can do that. His message coincided with Revelation 21, our next bible study series. He even tied into Bro. Jack’s comments on the Wednesday night before Bro. Smiley preached that Sunday. What encouraging words he spoke to us the body of Christ. Even a sinner would have been blessed. I can say that Sunday was a special day to me. A lost part of the body, which at one time was lost, but praise God that day, he was found. Welcome back brother. I found out that some of Bro. Smiley’s class of 1981 was there for a class reunion that weekend. That was just a preview of what it is going to be on the other side, when all God’s children will be there forever. I don’t say much, but when it comes to the Word its hard for me to stop. Pray for me. God bless you Bro. Willie Smiley.
Bro. Leeroy
God bless you saints. Just to say to you that I know that you are praying for me and I appreciate it. The last couple of weeks, I have really been encouraged. I heard the testimony of someone else. Our testimonies helps each other by having similar expriences in our lives. Briefly, I have a very, very, very, encouraging testimony, strange as it seems. I have been encouraged by my enemy the devil. His testimony in heaven as found in the book of Isaiah 14:13-14, talks about his ascension in heaven. I will do this, I will do that, I will do this, mostly about being like the most high God himself. Notice now there is nothing good about him in the bible. What’s written about him, all points to his end, which points to the pit of hell. Even Bro. Branham in the message Satan’s Eden tells us that Satan is now God of the earth. He the devil also told Jesus in Matthew 4:8-9, that the kingdom of the earth, belongs to him. What zeal, what faith, what determination, that he has to fulfill his ambition to be like God. What a testimony, he has no bible scripture that says anything good about him. He has no one to encourage him, but himself. His end is bad. No way that he can get out of it. With all that against him, still he is determined to carry out. What he said that he is going to do, he hates God and hates all mankind. He even hates his demons that works for him. There is no love in him, but for himself. He is a selfish spirit, so wicked, so hateful, so ungodly, and so vile. If the devil can have faith in what he says, what about me. This is what really encourages me. If I knew that I was going to hell, I would be screaming, from the top of my voice: Lord, help me. But not this wicked spirit. I asked myself a question, if the devil can act like that, knowing that his end is the pits of hell, and can still hold to his testimony, what about my testimony. I got so many good scriptures for me in the bible about my end, like Revelations 21 and there’s many more scriptures telling me that I am going to be there. I also got encouraging words from my brothers and sisters. I got bible promises. God even sent a major prophet to me. He also sent the five fold ministry. What more can I ask of God. From here on out brothers and sisters. I am encouraged and I will never let a trial, test, bad outcome, hard time, or anything no matter what comes good or bad as I am determined to go all the way with my Lord. My testimony is to also be like the most high God. Only thing different between my testimony and the devil’s testimony is I got scriptures saying that I am to be like God and the devil does not. Church when its all over, just before the devil gets through in hell, I hope that God will give me 5 minutes with the devil, to testify to him about his end verses my end. What a day that will be church. I hope to God, that this be a blessing to at least one person.
A little subject has been on my mind about response. As humans we want a response for our actions or accomplishments in life no matter if the response is good or bad. We still want a response. No other animal is made like that. The sports world has cheerleaders and fans. Entertainers have fans also. A response tells a lot. God himself wants a response from His creation. Man is the highest form of creation. Man also should give him the highest form of praise and worship. Here is a response to God’s word in the bible. Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 4,5 and 6 all the people answered Amen, Amen. I just love to here that. Notice in Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 4 Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood. My I didn’t know the word pulpit was in the bible. God’s word is still being read in the church. We must do that in every service then open our mouths and respond. What if you go to a restaurant and the waitress gives you a menu to order from, and you don’t say any thing. Just point to the menu to tell what you want. I wonder how far that will go. You got to open your mouth to order and eat your food. Here is another example. What if a plate of food is before you and all you do is shake your head up and down. You will leave hungry. You must open up and eat. Every time that you open up and say Amen or that’s right brother, God keeps feeding you. If you are hungry you will eat not just on Sunday mornings but also in bible studies, as well as Friday night services. Regardless of my situation I must press. God loves the pulls from his people. One last thing, if you go to a buffet and nobody is eating. The food gets cold and then someone complains and asks the manager to bring out new food. His reply will be to eat what’s out there first, then they will bring out more. Sometimes food like spinach, carrots, or medicine like castor oil, does not taste good, but it is better for you than sweets like candy or cakes. Not all the time because it taste better means that it is better for your health. God knows how to feed us so let him decide on how satisfy our tastes.
1 Chronicles 28:20 NLT
Then David continued, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly.
Hebrews 3:6 NLT
But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God’s [temple]. And we are God’s [temple], if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ.
We are all the temple of God to which He has chosen to dwell in. God will see to it that everything He has ordained for our lives will come to pass (as the first Scripture states, “He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly.”) Christ has been appointed charge over all our lives. In this we can find faith and courage to make it day-by-day. Know He has His hands on you. When doubts come and discouragment arises please be strong in the Lord and know that everything is in His control. Remember, the word “discourage” contains the word “courage.” You must find your courage in times of discourage.
Finally, saints,
“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”
(1 Corinthians 16:13)
The Lord is great and greatly to be Praised. Words cannot express how much I think of His grace towards me and how they are NEW every morning – God is Faithful and Sovereign.
For the past few weeks, I must honestly say that I’ve been feeling a bit sorrowful due to the fact of waiting for God to do something special in my life, but it would seem as though nothing has happened yet. Of course, God has His own time frame in which we are governed by (even though we try so hard to fit God into our own mental capacity.) I must admit, I’m one of the people that think when God says He going to do something, He’s going to do it with a loud Bang! and everyone will know. Which in some cases, He might – but not all the time.
I appreciate the Message that was preached by our precious Brother visiting from Alabama. I’ve learned that God is hidden in such simplicity and does things in our lives that we cannot comprehend. I’ve always heard “God is hidden in Simplicity” my entire life being in the Message. But I must admit it actually clicked today and God can answer your prayers – not in a loud broadcasted occurrence, but in a still small voice.
Once I recognized that God likes to visit individuals on a more personal base, I also recognized that God had already answered my prayers a long time ago, just not in the fashion I intended it to be in. This is really sad because a lot of people miss God just because He doesn’t come in the way we perceive He should come. Like we all know, His ways are not our ways – neither are His thoughts that of our own. God can do whatever He wants to do whenever He wants.
I had ask God to forgive me to being so slothful in recognizing Him working a work in my life and my prayer is that I draw more closer to Him as He is soon to return. I thank God for each and every one of you Saints. We are the body of Christ and He promised to pour out His Spirit in this Last Day. We are getting closer and closer to that out-pouring of the Holy Ghost – amen.
Many Blessings
I pray for you, and you pray for me – and watch God changes things.
God Bless.
God richly bless all his saints! I would like to personally thank God almighty for the mighty visitation when Brother Jack and his family came over to Zimbabwe last christmas. I am a personal fan of spontaneous worship and praise to the Almighty that comes from way down and is done skilfully in God’s spirit and truth! This was what i experienced. Bless you Sister Ellen Burrs, Sis Tina Wesco, Brother Caleb (nice playin on the sax), Rachel, Alexandria, Rebecah, and Sarah! It was like fire shut up in my bones being let loose. May God so help us to stay on that beaten path, on our post of duty, laying in the presence of the Son of God till every fibre of our bodies is filled with His love and Spirit….may His name be exalted forever and ever
Church, I said a while back that there would be no more commenting for me. Sorry, I just got to comment about Sunday morning message titled Preach Deliverance To The Captive. I admit that I was a captive. We all can say it was a strange, but very special service. To me it was strange because it was a supernatural service.
I will start out with the atmosphere that was created by us. It was truly a heavenly atmosphere. It was a service where any thing could have happened. Here is a type. In a football game, the team playing at home has all that county or town, cheering and pulling to create an atmosphere for that team. But when that same football team is playing out of town, the host fans are not cheering for them, but creating a negative atmosphere for that team. It’s the same in church. In our church, the minister should always have a good atmosphere set at the home church. It should be better at home church than going out of town. Another type is on our jobs, at school, shopping, or at a theme park. Those kinds of worldly atmospheres are against the supernatural church atmosphere.One is for the flesh and the other is for your soul.
Now about the rest of the service on Sunday. During the preaching, I got wounded a lot. That’s what I come to church for, to find out what’s wrong with me. When Bro. Jack said if you feel that God was speaking to you lift you hands. Quickly I lifted my hands. I am not ashamed to admit when I’m wrong and have a lots of problems. There’s no need of getting mad when you can repent and be glad. I could have lifted both hands and both feet as well. When I got home I went straight to the emergency room. Not a natural hospital emergency room, but in my room at home, on my one knee stretched out, praying, and crying out to God to forgive and help me. That’s my emergency room. I must admit I got a lot of deeps cuts from the word of God. When our sister sang my God is real, I caught that we must be real as well with our confession, our repentance, and our walk of life also. God bless you Bro. Jack for that message and God bless all the saints that helped create the atmosphere.
May GOD bless each and every one of you in our local church body,
Bro. Leeroy
God Bless you saints. For the past few days I’ve been feeling so overwhelm within myself for wanting everything so quick to happen in my life, that it was hard to even pray for myself. It even showed through my schoolwork that I am not happy with myself and where I want to be at this point in my life. I just felt the plan I was planning to follow wasn’t going to happen, maybe because God deserved so much more for that He has done in my life. I was upset for not giving him the time of day in my daily life. When this month began I finally realized what’s been holding me back, it’s my relationship with Lord. I feel that I fail Him not putting Him first in everything I do. I feel guilty for just giving the Lord just 5 minutes of my day. If I want something to change in my life it got to be me. I have to promise to give the Lord more than just five minutes because he deserves so much more. I was just a nobody before I truly accepted the Lord into my life. Him forgiving me is more precious than anythng in this earth. He has changed my life, everyday I’m learning things I didn’t know about myself until He revealed it to me. So I thank you God for not losing Your hope in me and for Your love that will push me through anything that comes my way. I thank you Lord for placing me in the sanctuary were my love for You started. Today I don’t want to be selfish in just giving you 5 min or 10 minutes. I want a time for You where I can’t never stop praying and worshiping You with all of my soul.
Well church, I said that I would not comment anymore. I can’t help it. Sorry church. A while back on May 16, 2010, our very own pastor, Bro. Jack preached a sermon titled, “He Saved The Best For Last.” What a blessing that message was to me. Some how that very message always stuck with me. Even right now that sermon is nothing but the truth. With man it is different. Man picks there best first. An example is like a football draft, they always pick the best players first. In stores they display there best first. Also, even food stores put out there best food first. In school I was always picked last because of my size and limited talent. In St. John chapter 2 verses 1 to 10, Jesus first miracle talks about serving the best wine first. Why because after they get drunk with the best or good wine, they will drink almost anything. But with Jesus it was different as He saved the best for last. We in this church age was saved for last. Think about it Paul, King David, Samson, Elijah, Joshua were great men of God and many others before us were more faithful, had more zeal, and even more dedicated than us. It seems like God would have chosen them last. But he didn’t, He choose you and I. Wow, we are God’s best in the most wicked age and time that ever was. Out of all the 7 church ages, this one is the worst. Imagine that, God choose us. The other church ages were in the playoffs, but we are in the finals. The final battle of good and evil. He saved us for this. Sure we don’t deserve it, but it was His choice. Never put yourself down. We are the Bride of Jesus. Mrs. Jesus, that’s who we are. No other church age messenger could have said what Bro. Branham said to us. He said I no longer call you church, but I call you bride. What a high calling.
Church,pray for me. I’m going through hard trials and tests. Nevertheless I will pass each one of them, I assure you. Maybe someone else like myself is going through as well. I hope these comments encourage you. The book of James chapter 1, verse 2 and 3 tells me to count it all joy. Not some tests, but all tests. There is a quote book by Bro. Branham titled ‘Persecuted But Noy Forsaken’. Remember,no matter what comes my way, I will not be forsaken. Forsaken by who? God! He will not leave us. Bro. Branham also made a very profound statement. He said that every believer has to go through the acid test of death through suffering,trials, tests, and hardtimes. Suffering brings out the best in us.
Here is a type. Like gold is tried and put in a fiery furanace and heated up. Only the pure gold will remain that’s why we can stand. We are likened to gold. Gold is tried by fire and that’s why the true believer goes through fiery tests to be proven. Notice again in the book of James 1:3 it says knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Our faith is tested also. Always remember knowledge is tested. An example is if you tell your spelling teacher, put me in the spelling bee contest. I know that I can spell. That teacher will test you first to see if you can spell. If you tell your math teacher, I can do any kind of math, I know math. You ask that your teacher pass you for the year. What you say sounds good, but in reality that teacher will test you in math before passing you. Another type is I might read 50 books on how to be a policeman. I might even get a hold of a policeman uniform. I might go and buy a badge and a gun. I might look like a policeman, dress like one, but when time to be tested, is to be called to go into duty. I better have what I say I got. Without the proper test and training it is possibile that I could get hurt or killed in the line of duty. Other examples include the armed forces testing of there soldiers, to get them ready for a war. In schools they test there students in one grade before promoting to a higher grade. Your job tests you also. You almost can’t get a job without a diploma of taking a GED test. GOD has to test us too, to see if we got what we say we got. He has to prove us with test after test after test, to get us ready to go home, to get raptured. What a joyful time that will be. Glory!
I was blessed by the youth service last night. It was wonderful to see that there are still young people serving the Lord. My children are adults now, and I was always thankful that these services were available for them.
However, I was blessed by the Lord, last night. I had questions (and, yes, no matter how long you’ve been walking with the Lord Jesus Christ, everyday we should be learning more and more how to trust Him, serve Him, and hear His calling for our lives) about why my life had taken on certain qualities that I felt were not indicative of my christian walk, as some you have heard in the songs that the Lord has gifted me with. Well, one of the main changes was, why was my prayer life so messed up? I’ve always been a strong prayer warrior since my childhood because God was the only one I could talk to during my childhood struggles.
Sometimes we can cause and or create our own tests. I remember making a statement to the Lord during some of my most recent struggles and that statement was ” Lord God no matter what happens to me and those that I love, satan could not TURN me away from God. I was not afraid for my fleshly body because I have received the power of healing from God before.
Well, in the midst of my current struggles I began to feel overwhelmed and would be so tired from those struggles, that I found myself falling asleep at prayers, not knowing what to say during prayers. My prayers became less and less, or I would tell myself, I’ll finish them while I’m laying in bed, or sit the chair, instead of getting on my knees in front of the bed or chair.
I found out last night that TURNING AWAY from God can happen in more ways than one. Satan did take me away from God. I could not be pulled away from God by going back into the world, I was never apart of the world. But my prayer life…..I had never felt so far from God before. Praise God that He did not leave me to my own profession. I put myself in the way of God. God is gracious to forgive even when we don’t know what we are talking about. Satan can do anything if we let go of God. I stand strong in knowing that he did not give up on me. Praise God for a Victory Won!!!!! Now I can face the challenges again knowing that I will be stronger and wiser in what I do and say, even in prayer. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ for saving a sinner such as I. I love You, Lord. Thank you, Brother Jack, because your services started the healing process, spiritually, so that I could be tender at the right moment when God opened my eyes and my heart to hear what I needed to hear.
I pray that this is not too long, but I wanted to share, just in case someone is having similar experiences.
Church, I thank God for the series of messages in our Wednesday night bible studies. They were titled The Inner Man, from the book of Ephesians the 3rd chapter. You see church, I don’t comment on something, just to comment. Notice its says Lived Voices and I have to be living right to comment. Then I wait until the right time to comment, if God wants me to say something. If he says don’t say anything, I assure you I will not say a word.
I got so much out of those services. I really enjoyed the illustration of the 3 circles with the body, spirit, and soul on the chart board. Church I thought I knew a little about the subject, but each service as our pastor taught, things begin to unfold. After each service I got more revelation and understanding, like I never had before. Sometimes right during the service I was amazed. I read at home and listen to tapes each and every day. It seems like I get most of my revelation and understanding during the live services.
I believe as a sheep I will never get more revelation and understanding than my pastor. It is because he brings it directly from God. I can also say none of the five fold ministry will get more revelation and understanding than our prophet Bro. Branham. That was God divine order.
I also enjoyed that comment, that whatever is on the inside of us must show itself at the appointed time through those other 2 realms of our spirit and body. It will surface on the outside to show whats on the inside of the soul. The religious world tries to push from the outside to the inside. An example is like beating on the back or saying some repeated words. That’s not it. They try to force spirituality from the outside to the inside. Sometimes through intellect or head knowledge of the Word people use their ability. Like Cain, through the works of his hands he brought an offering to God.
True religion comes from the inside to the outside. Here is another type. A dove naturally produces oil from the inside and that oil from the inside pushes out to clean the dove outside. Another type is a black or let’s say a crow doesn’t produce oil to clean itself from within. The crow never gets fully clean at the base of its feathers so a crow has to wash in a water puddle, by splashing in the water. From the outside it is trying to get clean but it is an inside job with God. Jesus said I will be in you, not on you, but the inside. He will show himself if he is there.
God bless. My soul has been uplifted with the subject of the inner man that we studied on Wednesday night. How we take part by part to understand each of them and why they are placed in our life and how they are used. The most important thing that I learned is the soul and how there are two ways it can be controlled. It can either be faith or doubt and that is what influences the outside layer, which is the body. That was a blessing to hear.
Church I would like to briefly share with you, why I press out to church, read my bible, read the messages books, and lisen to tapes as much as I can. It is so I can be current and updated on all the things that God is doing. Here is a type. On my computer it is optional that I update my computer (like Windows and driver updates). Some new programs need to be updated. If I don’t update my computer it will start to slow down and eventually it will not work as it should. It’s the same type with us in this Message. Without updates my spiritual walk with God will be affected. I will start to slow down and start to miss church services. Let’s say I only come to church on Sundays for years. Well the Wednesday and Friday nights services have new updates and if I am not there, I am going to miss important update info.
Another type is like in Israel, the pillar of fire kept moving, so from 1965 to 2012, God is still moving and providing current updates. The voice of the prophet is echoing in the five fold ministry. Ain’t God good.
Always remember this, never shut your computer down while installing updates,especially Windows updates. Why, if you stop that computer before it finishes the update, you will miss important information, and it will not successfully install. Same in church, if your stop coming to church, you will miss updates from God.
Notice my computer was running live updates, which types that I need live updates, in person services. I want to successfully be updated by God so I need to come to live church service to get proper updates from God. It’s good to update your computer at home but it’s better to update your spiritural computer in your home church.
Church, I want to comment on Sunday morning’s message,entitled Millennium Without Repentance. I never in my life until now seen it preached that way before. Bro. Trevor, truly broke some spiritual bread. That’s why I constantly thank God, for the ministering brothers that comes our way, and in our midst as well. I never seen repentance on that level and angle, especially the way he brought it to us.I can speak only for myself. There was no doubt in my mind, I was 100% sure that God was speaking to me. That’s why I can boldly say that I am not ashamed to say when I am wrong and need to repent on something in my life. I don’t have to wrestle or have mind battles about making it right by repenting. When the brother went to the book of Malachi, I knew that was a type of me on how I treat God sometimes. I am not offering Him my best all the time. Church something just struck me while the brother was ministering on repentance. At that time my mind took me to Genesis 3, where Adam and Eve sinned. Instead of repenting for there sins, they tried to blame each other or someone else for their sins. They never told God that they was sorry for what they did. They tried to cover their sins with fig leaves. Notice they covered the body parts that they sinned with. If it was apples, why didn’t they try to cover there mouth. Also in Joshua chapter 7 the bible talks about Achan’s sin. He kept back some spoils, a Babylonian garment, 200 shekels of silver, and a gold wedge. He also tried to hide his sin by burying them in the earth in his tent. Another example is in 2 Samuel 11, when King David lay with another man’s wife. She conceived by David, but he tried to cover his sin. He tried to get her husband Uriah, to go home and sleep with her,so he could shift the blame. God saw what the king did and God exposed him. The word corrected the king but David didn’t repent to Uriah. As humans we always try to blame something or someone for what we did. Just like Bro. Trevor said, while we are sinning we are walking away from GOD. Satan can have us on cruise control and headed to hell. We got to repent, turn around and head back to God. Here is a type. On my computer, if I click on certain advertisements, or go to the wrong place on my computer, i will get a virus. The type is if I watch the wrong thing or go to a bad place I will get a demonic spirit on me. You remember that girl Bro. Branham talked about that went into the dance hall got a spirit on her. She downloaded a spirit in her and we can download a demon in us too, if we are not careful. If you get a virus on your computer’s hard drive, you need a tech expert to delete it. It’s the same when you get a demon in your body. You will need to take your ‘heart’ drive to God so He can delete it out of you.
Church, I got to comment on Sunday’s message, titled “Even So Send I You”. I was in the Army for 4 years. When I signed up, I had to take a series of tests to find out what I scored the most points in. For example if I scored high in automotive repair, the Army will send me to school for a auto mechanic. Even if I wanted to be something else, it was not my choice, but the choice of the Army. Here is a spiritual type for the church. In church if I wanted to be a song leader, I got to have the ability, not only to sing, but the ability to lead songs as well, just like being in the Army. In God’s Army it’s the same. God decides where He places us in the church body. He alone sets the order and places the gifts in the church body. God is the 5 star General and uses us the way He made, gifted, and natured us. God’s assistants is the five fold ministry of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. The regular Army consists of lieutenants,captains, majors, colonels, and generals. There is only one Commander In Chief and he is over all. God has a church body which works as His soldiers and there opponent in war is the devil’s army.
Another thing to notice notice is that the Army focuses on 3 thing in a soldier. First is the uniform which is their dress code. Second is their talk and third is their walk. This is the focus, the whole time that a soldier is enlisted. Just as the regular Army consists of lieutenants,captains, majors, colonels, and generals. The devil’s army consists of one 5 star fallen general which is the devil himself. Next is his ranking demons and he has lieutenants, captains, majors, colonels, and generals. His lowest ranking demons is called emps which are ground soldiers. The devil also focuses on 3 things. First is the dress code as he tries to get the church to dress like the world. Secondly he focuses on talk where he tries to get the church to talk like the world. Third he focuses on the walk where he tries to get the church to live like the world because our walk in the bible means the life we live.
When I was in the Army I found out that there are different reasons why people join the Army. Some enlist for life and they are known as lifers. They love the rules, their uniforms and it’s their pride and joy to retire in it. The next group enlists because it’s a family thing. Their father, uncle, and all their brothers, and other family members was in the Army so it became a family tradition. Another group was tired of their old way of living and want to exprience something new, travel to site see. They never fully commit to the Army and have a hard time following the rules. They are usually not on time for duty. The next group was forced join by the judge. It was either to join the Army or go to jail so they choose the army. They never liked the Army, but was forced to join. Here is a church type, the one that enlisted for life was called by God to be in the body of Christ. They will remain in the church until death, no matter what happens good or bad, for they are lifers. The ones that enlist because of my mother was here or great grandmother was here in the same church or because their family is in the church. When the family leaves they will leave. They are not dedicated to the church or its rules. There are some in church because they are tired of being in and out of jail or prison, it’s a type of being in some program that makes them come to church just as some soldiers were made to go to the Army.
I can also say this from being in the Army. If you are a very good car mechanic all of your life before you joined the army you was gifted to put parts together and figure out how to fix a car. If you were born with that, when the army sends you to school, you can advance over the others, because of that gift in your life. You can go higher. Another example of this is that if someone in the church is an anointed singer, but doesn’t have a good singing voice. There is another person in the church that has the anointing and a gifted voice. The one with both the anointing and the gifted voice, will be a better blessing to the church body. I believe you get the picture. I can say more as I am burning, but i will end by saying this to my pastor Bro. Jack. Truly that message was a blessing and it was from God.
Church,I asked myself a very important question. As a believer in this message, if I were put on trial for being a christian or you, would they have enough evidence to convict me. Or, will they find me not guilty for been a christian. If there was anytime in my life that I was found guilty, it would for being a christian. Many christians before me were tried and tested and stood the tests and passed them all. What a testimony! It reminds me of a song our Sister Tina sings so beautifully, “I have A Testimony.”I listened to it again today, and that song inspired me to comment.
Church I want to get to a place in my life where I put GOD first in everything. I don’t want to make God my spare tire and ride on the things of the world. Then when trouble comes I call on God. No, I am going to ride only on the things of God. God wants first in my life.
This end-time message that God sent to us in this age, is the best spiritual food and blessing that he has to offer me. If God can offer me his best surely I can give him my best as well. Sometimes His word tears me to pieces by correcting me when I am wrong. It has to hurt because the bibles says its a 2 edged sword. It’s not made out of rubber. We sometimes don’t want the ministers to tell our business, but we go on Facebook and willfully tell all of our business. When you think about it, that does not make sense. They should change the name from Facebook to tell all your business book. We need to face our bible and listen to the tapes and books of this message more and more and more.
I have also been noticing that brother after brother has been preaching on the same line as our pastor. That is God confirming His word. Just maybe someone or somebody needs to repent. God always give warning before judgement.
Here is a type. Let’s say I bought a new car, it is optional that I get maintenance on time. That car will need to be serviced, but if I started to overlook the warning signs like check engine, low battery, oil light, or service engine soon, the car will soon run bad. Eventually it will stop running. If a mechanic tells you your car is fixed but it is still running bad, then the problem is still there. It is the same with me. If I truly repented I will not go back to acting the way I used to act before. If I repent and still not acting right, then I have the wrong spirit on me. If I made it right the first time, it will not be brought up again.
God bless you Bro. Smiley for that profound message on June 15,2012. It truly was a message that fit the occasion. I was blessed beyond measure and I know all the young people was blessed. The devil was mad and is in intensive care now as he was hurt bad last night. I truly believe that every question that the youth had in their minds was answered last night by God. They all got a clear understanding on why they act, dress, think, and do the things that young people do. I noticed the Holy Spirit kept us in the direction of the carnally and the spiritually minded. I never seen it in that light. God chooses people different from the world. The world looks for the biggest, the best looking, the best shapes, the best voices, the best in everything, but with God it is entirely different. It’s the opposite in choosing with God. An example is Sampson. We know Sampson had a problem in his flesh, but i think the thorn was his small size. Bro. Branham said he was a dwarf and as long as he saw himself small in his eyesight he was okay and humbly relying on God. For example in Judges 15:18 Sampson gave God all the credit for his great victory. He knew God gave him that strength. But notice in Judges 16:20, Sampson still small in size, but he became filled with pride. Notice this time he said to Delilah, I will go out as other times before and shake myself. He became big in his own eyes now and gave the credit to himself and not to God. Remember Lucifer said ‘I will’ in Isaiah 14:13. Another example is in Moses. In egypt he was a big name for he was a great leader trained in Egypt. He was a great speaker, a great fighter, and had many abilities. As a little boy his mother told him that some day he would deliver Israel from Egypt, but he failed in his own ability. When he met GOD in that pillar of fire, it did something to him. Moses at his very best, was strong and in the prime of life, but failed. After all his ability was gone, he was old, but now not full of pride any more. God said at your weakest I can use you now Moses. Again I thank you Bro. Smiley for letting God use you.
Church, in our Wednesday night bible study, June 21, 2012, our pastor said so many good things. What really struck out to me was his comments on respecting a pastor or any of the five fold ministry that God sent to us. No matter if he says something that you might not agree with. Even as a man he is human like you and I. If you don’t like a member of the five fold ministry as a person, please respect the office that they hold. Here’s a type. You might not like a policeman at all, but you will respect his office. You must respect the position that he holds. God can’t lead us or bless us if we can’t follow leadership. This is how the spirit works on us. A leader might make a decision on something and we don’t like it so we criticize and get mad at the leader. Finally we disrespect the leader and his office and that’s a bad thing to do. I got experience on that so I am not just talking. Please make it right by repenting and saying I was wrong, and I am sorry. If you loose respect for a leader he no longer can help or lead you. Another example is you might feel that you can do a better job than him and you might, but God chose him. Here is some bible types as that spirit started first in heaven. Lucifer was his name and he wanted to be more that what God made him. First he started to get jealous of God and then he begin to criticize the way God did things. In his corrupt mind, he might have said to the angles if i was in charge I will run heaven a little better than God. Another type is in Numbers the 16th chapter. That same spirit got on Korah and Dathan. First they started to look at Moses’ faults and shortcomings in his life. They watched the way he led Israel and they didn’t like it. They began to criticize Moses and started to disrespect his leadership ability. They wanted to lead Israel. Moses was a true shepherd to lead. Here is another type found in 2 Samuel the 15 chapter. King David had a son named Absalom. He conspired against his father to over throw him, so he could become king. He disrespected his father and thought that he would do a better job as king. Church that was a bad spirit to have.
Church, I have been enjoying our bibles studies on the book of Ephesians. Ephesian 4:11, talks about how God set these offices in the church to benefit the body. What a blessing that is to us. Now in my own little way, I will try by the help of the Holy Spirit to type theses offices to the natural medical offices. Medical offices work together to find the best care and outcome for the patient. It’s the same with the five fold ministry. They also work together to find the best care and outcome for the body of Christ. Here is the type. First is a pastor which he is called a shepherd because he got sheep. He also is a burden bearer and can carry the burden of his sheep. He loves and cares for them. A pastor type is consider a primary doctor or family doctor. When a problem comes up if he needs to help, he refers the patient to a specialist called an apostle. An apostle is a special man and his job is to set up churches and to keep the church in order. He deals with a lots of spirits and has a vast amount of experience in dealing with problems in the churches. That what Apostle Paul did. In the natural he is like a hospital administrator because there job is to help manage hospitals. His job requires regular interaction with the board, as well as the medical staff and departments. He also directs the hospital activities. The Apostle finds the problem and refers the patient to another specialist for more tests. He is called a prophet for the prophet is also a special man. He is likened to an eagle. The higher He goes, the more he can see. Especially sin, as he has an eye for it. He sees visions and dreams. In the natural type he is called a radiologists because he sees the problem by x-rays, ct scans, or maybe a mri. This is to see whats going on in the body. After he confirms his diagnosis, he sends the patient to a surgeon because now the patient needs a operation. His medical records goes to a surgeon which is called an evangelist. An evangelist is special as he doesn’t waste any time on cutting the problem out of the patient’s body. He uses a two edged sword to cut with. In the type of an evangelist, he is a man that goes from city to city cutting out sin. Phillip did that in Acts 8:40. Now after the operation, the patient is referred to physical therapist to teach the patient back to health. This is accomplished through exercise like stretching. The teacher uses the Word to minister to the person’s soul and body in efforts to bring them back to a full healing. A teacher is also a special man. None of the others of the five fold ministry can bring it like him. That is his office and he is not in a hurry in his teaching.
The last youth service that I attended on June 15, 2012, was truly a blessing and a great encouragement for me. That was the same thing my father ministered at Bride of Christ Tabernacle in Boynton Beach on Thursday night. Bro. Smiley reaffirmed that on Friday night. God just continues to do amazing things time and time again. When the word of God is spoken, wherever you are at and whoever you are He will speak to you. One of the main points in his sermon is that some people young or old especially in the message are afraid of being an oddball. I noticed that all throughout the bible, all those who truly followed and obeyed the voice of God were oddballs. The prophet Elijah, Joshua, Caleb, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Daniel, Apostle Paul, Stephen the martyr, John The Baptist all were separated from the world and committed to God. They seemed odd and weird in their day. But at the end of the day that’s what God uses and does. By human knowledge and wisdom these people seemed foolish but to God they were wise. Keep moving ahead Saints. I definitely am and will continue to be a Fool for Christ! We all should be that way and satisfied.
God bless you Bro. Hugo Macdonald for Sunday’s message. The message was titled “Waiting On God.” All that he said was good, but what stuck to me was how we get in trouble for not waiting on God. We complain, find fault in things, that we don’t like to do or places we don’t to go. We also find wrong in people we don’t like. But what is strange to me is if you are on a job you like very much, you will put up with what’s going in that job. It’s hard to complain and find fault in thing that we like to do or places we like to go, or people we like to be around. Night clubs, parties, theme parks are what we call fun places. There aren’t many complaints. But when it comes to God, or church, people find faults, on why they can’t go to church or serve God. You might see others living wrong, but that should not impact you.
Hopefully, this will be a word or encouragement to someone. We can get different communication plans for our smart phones or I-phone through, AT&T, Boost Mobile, Sprint, or Verizon. Imagine all these plans that we pay for monthly. I’d like to introduce you to a better and smarter plan. It is in Jeremiah 33:3 as it says “call unto me, and i will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” This plan is free and it allows you to talk to God. You can talk to him by prayers or just talk to Him. He will listen and will answer thee. You can talk about all of your problems and He will show you the right way to go. You will never run out of minutes or talk time with Him.
It’s not our works, our gifts, or our church name. All that is good. Jesus mentioned these things in Matthew 7:21-23.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
He said I never knew you. Wow, what a powerful statement. Not one time did He know them. Please don’t be like them. Jesus wants a personal relationship. Talking, preaching, singing, quoting his Word and praising Him are all good. But without a personal relationship with Him, nothing else in life matters. Notice Jesus said I never knew you. Jesus wants a permanent, life long relationship with you and I.
Wow church, Sunday’s message was truly a blessing to me. It opened up my understanding on a lot of things, especially the comment on Facebook. It should be called ‘tell your business book’ as people volunteer to show and tell all there business. What they are saying and showing is open to anyone both good and bad people. Facebook can be used for good. It depends on what you tell. Why can’t people tell bible stories, give bible verses, or tell what a good time they had in church or bible study. In Revelations 20 and verse 12 we find that no one can escape these books. They are God’s Facebooks and we all will give a account for our own lives. God will show us every thing that we did wrong in life as it is recorded in his books. If you are a sinner, you don’t have to remain a sinner. Repent and give your life to Jesus. He will blot out all your sins. Here is a quick comment about my space. You will either have a space in heaven for living and doing right, or a space in hell burning with the devil, for not living and doing right. It’s your choice.
I would like to say something to encourage someone. It is about my Lord and Savior. In the book of Philippians 2 verses 3 and 9 it talks about the humility of Jesus. He was so humble that many never knew that he was God. In the flesh, they never knew he was the king of the universe. Notice he knew all things, but walked around like he didn’t know very much. Jesus didn’t act like a ‘know it all’. He never acted like a somebody. He was a somebody that acted like a nobody. Wow! Even when he healed someone, he told them not to tell it.
That is not us as we want to be noticed. It was no self glorification in him. He was the best, but acted like he was last place. He didn’t build a reputation at all for himself. All this was done for you and I. It’s not what we have but what we do or what we achieve in this life. The most important is to become the image of Jesus.
Jesus was a friend to all. He loved his enemies, the same as he loved his friends. In Luke 6:27 He told us to love our enemies. In Matthew 26:50 He even called his enemy, friend. Wow! We often sing what a friend we have in Jesus. He is living in you and I and we at some point in our lives need to love our enemies just like Christ did. He loved every one, rather they agreed with him, liked him, or wronged him, in any way. It didn’t matter to Jesus, so why does it sometimes matter to us. See it’s easy to be a friend to someone who likes us, agrees with us, and treats us right. But it’s not easy to be a friend to someone that doesn’t agree with us, tells us when we are wrong, or treats us the way we don’t like to be treated. Remember God is the judge, not you or I so let’s show the love of Jesus to everyone.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 says to every thing there is a season,and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. We enjoy our time here, but when God calls us to come home, there is nothing or no one can stop it. Sure she will be missed by us and her family. We enjoyed the time that we had with her. Now it’s, God’s time to have her in glory. Sis. Carter got an upgrade. God gave her the full redemption plan. In that plan she got a changed body that is new and young. He completely healed her from her head to her toe, inside and out. No more sickness, no moro pains, and no more sorrow there. She went home on Dec, 25, 2012. What a Christmas present. A change from mortal to immortal. She transferred from an earthly body to a heavenly body. I know she is shouting right now.
You know a sinner can’t walk a straight line under the inflence of alcohol. The first thing the law will ask him or her to do is walk a straight line, if they are found intoxicated. If they are really intoxicated, they will stumble and fall. This a type for a Christian. You see Christians can’t walk a straight line under the influence of the world. They will stumble and fall. Our legal system will put a drunk sinner in bondage or should I say jail. This is the same for a Christian that is drunk of the world. God’s laws will place that Christian in bondage. If you find yourself in bondage, remember the law put Peter in jail, but mercy, love, grace, and the Holy Spirit got Peter out of jail. Even though the law puts a person in jail, it can’t get them out. It is like a policeman putting someone in jail, but it takes a judge to get them out. The law condemned the adulteress in the bible, but thank God that mercy and grace freed her and didn’t condemn her.
I want to encourage those with gifts. In Matthew 25:14-26 it speaks about the talents that were given to 3 servants. Two of them doubled there talents. The third one was scared and hid his talent. There are so many gifted people in our church, young and old. Please don’t bury your talent. Use it for God because He gave it to you, for you to use it. It is to be used to bless the local body. God want to gain interest on what He gave you. Notice in Matthew 25:15 says God give the ability and not man. Some got less gifts and some got more gifts than others. We want to use them all. Even though this parable in the bible has an a earthly story, it also has a heavenly meaning to it. God allows us to age, to show us that we don’t have time to waste. Use your time wisely as we are in a time body. If we remained the same age all the time and some of us will never do anything. Matthew 25:26 says a slothful servant, and Matthew 25:30 says an unprofitable servant. Don’t be afraid that you are not going to be a blessing. If God gave it to you, you will be a blessing.
Bro. Branham said in the “Spoken Word Is The Original Seed” that each generation has its own revival. Each generation gets a chance at the word. Young people its your time to fulfill the word. This is your hour your chance, your time to take the book and to eat it up. Its your time to receive the Holy Ghost. Its your time to pull more on the Word. Its your time for the movement of the Spirit in your lives. What ever you don’t miss this chance.
In the days of Noah, many young people missed their chance to get in the ark. Joshua went into the land with the new generation. Sampson’s locks begin to grow back again and that represented the new generation of young people. Just like Sampson, you must be anointed with the Holy Spirit, with the eagle anointing like your parents have on them. For some bizarre reason I keep emphasizing the Holy Ghost. Live right, dress right, and do all you can that’s right. If by chance you slip and fall don’t stay down. Quickly get up and keep running. The Holy Ghost is a must. Keep echoing with your mouth, I shall receive the Holy Ghost. It’s more than anything that this corrupt world has to offer you. Please take advantage of these upcoming youth meetings.
May God richly bless you young people,
Bro. Leeroy
Well, the Acquire The Fire meeting is over. I know that everyone had a good time. I trust that God granted your expectations. I encourage all the youth to keep the fire burning in your life. Never let that revival go out. To those that had an experience, never forget the experience, but build on it. David built on his experience with bear, lion and then the giant. Feed your experience by testifying about what God did, keeping a good prayer life and maintaing your worship. You can also read your bible and listen to the Message more. Always come to church spiritually hungry. If you go to a restaurant already full, you won’t eat much food because you are already full. If you come to church on an empty stomach, you can fill up on the Word of God that is served. At a descent restaurant one must have good table manners to please the host. We should never upset the host because the service will not be good. It’s the same in church, songs might be good, worship might be good, but God is the host and if he is grieved or upset the service will not be good. Remember, Jesus will go anywhere that he is invited. Jesus will stay only if he is welcomed.
I will never forget our bible studies on the book of Ephesians. It was truly a blessing to me. The last chapter of Ephesians talks about the whole armor of God. My spitual armor, I sleep with it on. I shower, eat, and do everything else with it on me. I will never take it off until I get my new body change. Why, because I do not trust the devil at all.
Our pastor warned us to prepare ourselves for battle. It’s the fiery tests that are among us. We are tried like gold. When gold is heated the fire can’t destroy the gold. The fire makes the gold pure. Our tests are to only make us pure Christians, believers in Christ. The fire brings out what was already in us. Notice the 3 Hebrew fellows in Daniel 3. They was tried in the fire, but Daniel 3:27 says that the fire had no power upon their bodies. Wow, neither does the devil have power over our bodies. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost. The bible also says in Daniel 3:19 that the fire was heated up 7 times more than before. We got to fight the devils in this age plus all the other ages. That is a total of 7 ages. All the devils combined in 7 ages are coming against us. The devil can’t test you and I without permission from God.
May God bless you and keep fighting.
Never, ever take your armor off.
Bro. Leeroy
I want to thank God for his five-fold ministry. In Ephesians 4;11, all 5 of them have a unique abilities which differ from the other. It would be boring, if all preached the same and had the style. But God made them all different and i like that. Here is an example. I love chicken, but not one way all the time. I like it fried, baked, roasted, boiled, and sometimes barbecued on a grill. It is the same chicken but cooked different ways. One minister might bring his message with a lot of bible reading running scripture with scripture. Another minister might bring his message with the reading of a lot of quotes. Another one might bring his message with bible stories and the use of drama to help bring out his thought. Another minister might bring his message after just reading one scripture and then take off from there. That’s his inspiration. Another one might preach from one of Bro. Branham’s messages. What I am trying to say is that it’s all the same evening time, message of the hour. They are all pointing to Jesus. That’s why God gave us taste buds. Revelation 10:8, I took the book and ate it. It’s manna from God to eat. God gave us an appetite to eat and these are God’s servants who serve us the food. The spiritual taste buds that God gave us love to eat from all of God’s servants. Praise God. Thank you Lord.
I would like to comment on the youth service recently preached by Bro. Justin Smiley. The title was The Church of Today. Brother I salute you for that message. It was well said and it was fitting for the time. It was an encouraging message with precise instruction to the youth. I was not there, but, I listened online. The preacher ministers the Word and then God places it where it needs to go. Each generation get its chance at the Word and will have their very own revival. God loves the youth so much, that, every one that makes the rapture, will become a youth if they are not already a youth. That is wonderful. There is many more youth in the Bible that was used at a young age. King Josiah, King Soloman was a child, King David, Joseph was 17, Jeremiah was just a child when he was called, Mary, John the Baptist, and you remember a lot of the older generation didn’t cross over, but perished in the wilderness for not believing. Joshua crossed over with the new generation, You are the young people that are going to cross over following, God’s ministries of today. You can see how each generation thinks different from the other. Their mind set or their perspectives may be different, but they got a message in common. God calls the young, because, they are strong. Take your sword and fight young people.
Bro. Justin, that was a job well done. I just had to say something as it is good to give credit, where credit is due.
I would like to say to the church, family and friends. I trust you will have a Merry Christmas. No doubt this season will be devoted to giving and receiving gifts. I don’t have much to offer, but I want to give to all that will receive my gift. This is the ultimate and the best gift that anyone could give. Remember, a gift is not measured by size, shape, value, or cost, but is measured in the love and compassion. My gift is in 2 Corinthians 9:15, which says, “Thanks, be to unto God; FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE GIFT”. God’s wrapped gift is the gift of the Savior, our LORD JESUS who died for our sins. The word unspeakable means impossible to describe on incapable of being expressed in words. Wow,what a gift! If you don’t have it, please take it. Jesus is the reason for the season.
Church, watch night service was truly a blessing. I enjoyed the worship and especially the Word, ministered by Bro Holloway. ‘Placed by Prochecy’, was truly edifying. It was a struggle for me to get there, but by God’s grace I made it. When he spoke of the order, that was what touched me the most. The right understanding, is the right order, but the wrong understanding is the wrong order. An example of this is spark plug wires. For that car to run correctly, there is a right order to put them in. If they are put in wrong, that car will not run right. His church also has to be placed in the right order to run. The leaders, deacons, trustees, song leaders, musicians, should be all in one accord and working together in love. If they are out of order, the church will run, but not as precise as it could. My God is a God of order in testing, in blessing, and in victories. In Genesis 22:9 Abraham laid the wood in order. In I Kings 18:33, Elijah put the wood in order. In Joshua 6, God gave Joshua instruction, when to keep quiet and when to shout. They also marched around in order. In Acts 2 they were setting order and in one accord. God set the stars in order. No one can take your place in the body. There is no replacements. Remember if spark plug wires are put in wrong, the car will misfire, backfire, run rough, sound bad, and maybe smoke. Now apply that spiritual to our church body.
Church, God recently delivered me from a judgmental spirit. No one can answer a question, and set free like our God. For years, I battled with this. God put on my heart that when you see a brother or sister in sin, there is 4 things you don’t know. First, you don’t know how hard they may have tried not to sin. Secondly, you don’t know the power of the forces that assailed them. The third thing you don’t know is what you would have done in the same circumstances. Lastly, if it was you, how would you judge yourself. Now judge the other person the way you judged yourself. I asked the Lord to validate this by showing me something in the bible that was related to my situation. God showed me in II Samuel 12 where the prophet brought a parable to King David. After David heard it, he quickly wanted to judge the man. But when he was told that he was the guilty man, he quickly changed his mind as to how it should be handled. He wanted the man to die, but he didn’t want to die when he realized he was guilty one in the situation. God loved me so much, that He looked beyond my faults, and saw my needs. I also was led to read St. Matthew 7:1-2. It tells us to judge not, that we be not judged. I believe sometimes I got it backwards. God said, I looked beyond, your faults, and saw your needs. At times we might say, I look at your faults, and look over your needs. Lord help me and I am grateful for how my God delivers.
I would like to encourage you all. If your prayers are not answered yet, never stop asking and thanking our God until it is received. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. If it is not worth the waiting, it is not worth the asking. Read Ephesians 3:20. Here is an example. Let’s say you buy a certificate of deposit for 5 years. When you cash in or redeem your cd at maturity, you will receive what you put in, plus the interest. But if you cash in early, or withdraw early before it matures, there is a penalty for that. If you quit going to church before the rapture occurs there is a penalty. In Job 1, 2, and 3, Job invested in some CDs. He had 10 cd deposit and after 10 years of gained interest, Job cashed in. He reached his maturity agreement in Job 42:12-15. This tells me that his interest doubled in size. What an investment. Please don’t embarrass my God by asking little of him. He is a big and mighty God. Ask for BIG THINGs. God wants us to ask Him. Read these verses in Matthew 7:7, Matthew 7:11, Matthew 21:23, Luke 11:13, James 4:3, John 14:13-14, John 15:7, 1 John 5:14. What if the queens children came to her and asked for a nickel. That would be an insult to her. What if a little fish in the ocean said I better drink only a little water at a time, because I don’t want to run out. Deposit in God and at the end you will get a good return. If someone tells you that you been in the test for years, say to them sister or brother, I am gaining interest every day, just like our Brother Job. Your maturity date is coming. Maybe it’s a healing, a job need, or a deliverance. No matter what it is, until it comes, keep claiming your healing or whatever it is.
What a mighty time we had during the Acquire the Fire 2014 services. Our desire was to see lives transformed by the power and spirit of God. If this were to occur in 1 person, then the meetings would have been worth it all. I am convinced that God did something special for many and I solicit your testimonies of transformation.
Romans 12:1-2
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
God bless you young people.I viewed the Acquire the Fire meetings. I am waiting to here what our God did for you. Just by listening to the services, I know you all had a very good time. I am not going to comment but I will say this, to try to jump start a young person to say something. The fire might spread to another to say something. Let’s say a group of young people go to a theme park, school field trip, fair, or any fun place that the young people like. They will talk about it when they get home. They will comment on what they rode, what they ate, and all what they did right. The meeting was good too with spiritual food, good singing, and good worship. I know that my God blessed some young person, so tell it. If He did something special for you, tell your testimony, because it might help someone else.
I thank God for the youth, especially those in our local assembly. I know that many received the Holy Ghost. You know young people that the devil is scared to death of that holy fire. You may ask why? You can read Matthew 8:29 which says he will be tormented in that fire. The Holy Ghost is a must. When you have it, the devil and his demons will be scared of you and your life will express it just like Paul, Peter, Mary, Stephen, and many more expressed it.
There’s not enough words, in any language to describe how special and amazing the Acquire the Fire meetings were. It was very well needed for the youth all over South Florida. You get a sense that there is genuinely a young people who need to be not just filled, but sealed with the Holy Ghost in their lives. Overall you can see that young people are on the rise, not just in churches but in standing for the truth. They are becoming true living ambassadors for the kingdom of God. Personally I was praying for a complete breakthrough and total deliverance for all young people. I know that many times in life, especially with young people like myself that we can rise up, and be on fire for a short period of time. Within a matter of time, our hot fire, has become nothing but dwindling flames and piles of burnt ashes. It was good to see that, those who were flamed out, had there fires reignited. And those who were on fire, added more wood to it. Many of the testimonies actually took place the following week at a youth service, at Bro. Wesco’s church. I would suggest folks to go and get the copy to that service, and then you will really see the impact of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us and what He is continually doing for us right now. He is moving through our midst, living and magnifying Himself in our lives.
God spoke to me on in Sundays morning, which was spoken by Bro Watkins.Just to know how much we are valued by God. He chose us as His house to dwell in. God won’t live in a house without any value. We are the the temple of the Holy Ghost. Wow! We need to know what we are worth. We are his prize possession, His elected lady, the apple of His eye. We are priceless. There is no amount of gold that can buy us. We belong to God. If some how you can’t see that, perhaps you have marked yourself down. Get off the clearance rack, and get behind the glass, where they keep the valuable stuff. You are that valuable stuff. You are made out of stuff, that the devil can’t bluff. You are fortified by the walls of God’s Word. That means you are fully protected. Be perseverant in continuing a course of action toward the mark of the high calling. I encourage you to keep pressing on while disregarding discouragement, opposition, or previous failure. Above all, be mindful that God is tabernacled in you and I. What a honor. Accept nothing negative, be postive all the time. Never under value yourself, less than what God made you.
To the young people who have yet to receive the Holy Ghost, I encourage you to keep praying, living right, doing right, and acting right. God will give it to you. If you were to some into contact with high voltage electricity, it would shake or quicken you. That power would grab you, and you won’t be able to get away from it. If someone were to touch you after you encountered electricity, they will also be affected by that power. If you don’t cut off the power, it will kill the person. Now in type, if you get touched by the Holy Ghost, it will shake you and quicken you.That Holy Ghost power will grab you, and you can’t get away from it. It can affect others around you to. You don’t want the Holy Ghost power ever to be turned off in your life, until it spiritually kills the old nature. Only the master electrician can give it to you. If that same Spirit, that raised Christ from the dead, it will quicken your mortal body. In Acts 2 they were affected by the Holy Ghost. That same power can heal you, fill you, develiver you, or do whatever you have need o.
Know ye not that your body is a temple for the HolyGhost to dwell in. We are bought with a price. Recently I read a story of Muhummad Ali’s advice to his daughters, after his daughters arrived to his home wearing clothing that was not modest:
My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Hana, everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You’ve got to work hard to get to them.”
He looked at me with serious eyes. “Your body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.” Source: Taken from the book: More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali’s Life Lessons Through His Daughter’s Eyes
Wow, what powerful words of encouragement from a man thats not claiming to be in the Message. We as brothers and especially sisters should cover up. God made us and we are highly highly value to Him. You should be so covered in Christ, that it should be hard for someone to easily get to you. The way you present yourself in dress will show if you know your full value.
I like to do a comparison to Dr. JESUS and all the health professionals. Dr. JESUS has a proven record that he heals not only the natural body, but the spiritual body as well. All other health professionals don’t claim to be healers. They just aid or help assist in the healing process. They prescribe medicine, set bones, and do surgical perdeeduces on the body. Sometimes we literally place our lives into their hands and believe that they will make the appropriates decisions regarding our well being and overall care. Keep in mind they are not perfect, but JESUS is. They are human and sometimes errors or mistakes can occur. Dr. JESUS never makes mistakes, errors, or wrong decisions. He heals by His spoken word. Most medical doctors write different prescriptions to help their patients. Dr. JESUS writes the same prescription all the time. I am the Lord, that healeth thee. By His stripes, we are healed. For more prescription, review Psalms 103:3, Exodus 23:25, Jeremiah 30:17. Health professionals will diagnose their patients according to their training or experience. For example if someone goes to a doctor to report a backache, a rheumatologist might say its arthitis in your back. A chiropractor might say, your back needs adjusting. A family doctor might say your back needs some muscles relaxers. A physical therapist might say you need to adjust your posture. All are slightly different assessments from each other, but my JESUS always gives the right assessment, because He knows all things. I’ll choose my JESUS every time.
Just for a brief moment, let’s think of how powerful God’s word and promises is to us. Philippians 1:6 says being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you, will perform it, until the day of Jesus Christ. That is God speaking. Philippians 1.6 coincides with Isaiah 55:11. It’s a decree from God, and it’s got to happen. Why? He knows all things, from the beginning to the end. Our destiny is greater than anything that the devil and the world has to offer. Greater is he that’s in us, than he that’s in the world. You see, what is in you is far greater than anything that can happen to you. What is inside of you, is more powerful than any force on the outside. God doesn’t stop or pause his plan for you and I until we are a finish product. There is no plan or plot or scheme, that the devil can come up with to stop you and I from coming forth in God’s plan for our life. His purpose will be completed. Do you know there is no weapon that the enemy the devil can form against us that will prosper. We will not be defeated. A door shut, means another door open. An ending means a new beginning for us. A setback is just a comeback. Our disappointments will become God’s appointments. I may fall, but I will get back up. Sometimes I may be down, but i am not out. God looks beyond the now. He see us as a finished product.
Never forget this quotation;’A Winner Never quits and a quitter never wins.’ I encourage you to keep running and if you ever stop or fall down, get up and keep running. The race isn’t over yet. There is a group called ‘The Navy Seals’. There training last about 30 months and is sometimes brutal. They strecth you beyond your limits. Why, to make sure you’re are worthy to serve in the best fighting force. With them ,losing is not accepted and you have to endure an enormous amount of pain. Usually 700 will start out, but 700 will not finish the course. If someone can’t make it, they are given the opportunity to ring a bell 3 times, for submission. Now their is another spiritual Army called the Army of the LORD. The leader is a 5 star General and His name is Jesus. He is King of Kings. He has a proven record of winning and has never lost a battle. He choose his Army by predestination and once chosen, you can’t quit. Neither will you be defeated. You are chosen as a winner and you will win. Sure at times, we might get tired, weak, or even get a little discouraged along the way. But always keep in mind we can’t ever lose because we are fully equipped. Read Ephesians 6. We are that winning Army in Rev 19:14, 19, 20 and in Rev 20:13, 14, 15 it tells us the the devil is defeated. Why would any one want to be on a loosing side. You know what, even the devil is not a quitter as he gifts until he is cast into the lake of fire. Though the scripture says that he will lose, he will fight us until the end. We are serving beside God’s best chosen warriors, our bothers and sisters. So let us go on, in the Name of JESUS. Let us possess every gate of our enemy. Let us stand at the forefront of the battle field. For we are more than able to over come the enemy. We are vessels of honor that he has chosen, so keep moving on. Forward march! Jesus is the winner man.
Do what’s in Your Heart!
‘ello there 🙂
Well, this is my very first post on our church’s website. So (of course), I had a hard time trying to decide what to say with out sounding…Well, like I know the Message inside and out. So with that, I decided to write on a topic that has been somewhat, if you will, “burning within me”..’Do What’s in Your Heart’… So now, I suppose that saying can mean many different things…and there’s just so many channels it can flow through. However personally for me, this is how it touched me: Now, I guess when we are young adults in Christ going to church, it (for some odd reason) sees to be very “abnormal” to raise our hands, jump around, or say amen – loudly. Yet for the longest time, I always tried to figure out why in the world is it just so difficult? Of course, you have those who are skeptics and are very critical. Or you have those that joke around after service is over. Not because they’re your brother and are happy that you felt God’s presence, but rather to crush your experience and make fun. However, its like we think more eyes are watching us than we could ever imagine….Whereas in reality, none really are. When Bro. Diggs preached in Okeechobee (back in 2008)said “Do what’s in Your heart”, I could’ve screamed…But, I didn’t because the whole church was quiet..haha. Yet anyways, that made me see that there’s so much worship and so much love for God in my heart, but I’m slow to express it. I think that we’re too afraid to give God our all and our best. Its funny how we can scream and shout during a football game or a round of UNO, but when it comes to God, we’re as quiet as we can be. OR! We go to Youth meetings, where ever they may be, and express ourselves so freely. Yet when we’re back home at church, some of us act as if nothing ever happened to begin with. Isn’t that so sad? 🙁 Its easy to say “The Lord said, ‘Whether two or three are gathered in My Name’….” or “Let my lick of fire touch your lick of fire”… know, there’s SO much more to that. There’s a bigger picture that you and I cannot see because we hinder ourselves because we, as young adults, desire to be “normal like the others” than like Him. I suppose this can correlate with Come Up Higher. We’ve ALL been invited, but its up to you to come on up. Oh but wait, first you have to come out, then come up. So I say to you my young friend, don’t be of a slothful spirit and not give God the praise that He so richly deserves. Do whatever is in YOUR heart 🙂
Okay dokey, peace be with you..Or in other words, Shalom 🙂
–Sis. Alexandria
I back you up a 100%. People go through their daily lives shouting at what happens around them. But when it comes to God, they are shy – and it isn’t right. Jesus deserves to have all the shouts and praises because if it weren’t for the message, we would have been lost. As this song says, ‘shine the light, show the world Jesus is the answer’. And it’s true He is.
oh my my my, sis Alex u just nailed it to the bone. its amazing how many of us young people have so much energy for the world but none for the Word. If only we could really think deep about what ‘Calvary’ really means, and God opens our eyes, we would give everything we have to just say thank you for another day. God went all the way to pay the price and got a receipt for it too, just so we could live, and we can’t give all we have just to say thank you to a finished work? He was shamed in public and yet He never said a word, He still went all the way, but we find it hard to raise one hand to say THANK YOU LORD? And this is not because of people who would give their lives for u, but because of what they think about us. What does God think about that then?
We oughta praise Him all day long. Praise the Lord at all times and let His praises be continually in your mouth. Let everything that hath breath Praise Him, not some, but all. We are here to Worship God, so we should do it with everything.
When things get hard and you are ready to let go of yourself, remember, you aren’t the one holding it together in the first place; so, you aren’t the one to decided when to hold on and when to let go. Don’t give up! Psalms 37:25 says, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread.” God will not forsake you in the time of need. On the way up to calvary a tired Jesus fell to the ground unable to move forward. He had all power in His hand to turn the situation around… Yet, He never said a mumbling word… He looked 2,000 years down the road and saw you and me. He got up. Not because He wanted to, but because He had to! He didn’t give up on you so don’t you give up on Him! Jesus told Peter the devil desired to sift Him as wheat. Then He said, “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” (Luke 22:32) God knows just how much you can bare! He has a prayer, a promise, looming over your life. When you are converted, brought to a change, have a shifting of mindset or beliefs, you may strengthen your brethren. This situation has to do with you but it’s not entirely about you. You may be going through for someone else. God knew you could take it and they couldn’t. So He allows you to go through it so you can lead them in the right direction when they come up to the same trial. God doesn’t enjoy listening to you murmur and complain. He doesn’t find glory out of that! He hates it just as much as you hate your trial. Yet, He puts up with you so you put up with your trial. Before the beginning of time God knew you and formed all your footsteps. He saw your high moments and your lowest of lows. He saw you for your past, present, and future. He saw you cry and He counted the tears. He knew how many you would cry before your trial was up. He counted your headaches and weighed their severity. He knew how much pain you could take before the trial was up. He measured your confusion knowing the perfect amount you would needed before you came to realize it’s not about you; but, it’s all about Him. He played each trial and circumstance out for you in His mind. And then, after it was all done, He formed you. He put every ability to overcome in you. He made you the ruler of your circumstances. You were created to master everything you go through. God’s thoughts are as real as you yourself are. That means the trials He thought for you were real. In His mind you REALLY had a trial; and, in His mind you REALLY overcame. God is more than able to help you in your trials. He is faithful and keeps ALL His promises!
Keep The Faith Saints!
God Bless You,
*Rachel Wesco
While in morning devotions today I came across a little devotion that I thought was pretty profound. It speaks so eloquently of the importance of honesty in our christian walk.
This also puts greater emphasis on the quote shared in an earlier post by Bro. Jack “Striking at the women and men both last night, and seeing them, in respect to the Word, stand up and admit they’re wrong, want God’s forgiveness, and to go on… This is the place to have a revival. If there’d be any revival I know of, it’d happen right along here, where honest hearts.”
– William Branham.
So, if you don’t mind I would love to share it with you. This comes from “Our Daily Bread”:
Today is National Honesty Day in the United States. It is a little-known designation for April 30, but an important one nonetheless.
Author M. Hirsh Goldberg established National Honesty Day in the early 1990s as a way to honor the honorable and encourage honesty. He said that April 30 was selected because “April begins with a day dedicated to lying [April Fool’s Day] and should end on a higher moral note.”
Honesty Day would be a good time to review the value of this trait according to God’s Word. Honesty is not as easy as it seems—but we please God by striving for it.
An understanding of honesty begins with recognizing that God—our ultimate example—is truth (Deut. 32:4) and that He cannot lie (Num. 23:19; Heb. 6:18). Also, He hates falsehood (Prov. 6:16-19). Beyond that, all lies have as their originator Satan himself (John 8:44).
For our part, we can use these Scriptures as our guide: “A righteous man hates lying” (Prov. 13:5); love rejoices in truth (1 Cor. 13:6); lying is part of the old nature (Col. 3:9); growth means setting aside deceit (1 Peter 2:1); and speaking truth declares righteousness (Prov. 12:17).
Let’s make every day Honesty Day.
Help me, dear Lord, to be honest and true
In all that I say and all that I do;
Give me the courage to do what is right,
To bring to the world a glimpse of Your light. —Fasick
People who trust God’s Word should be people whose word can be trusted.
What a powerful thought we heard today on the Revelation of our enemy. We should not let these things slip as God brings them to our hearts. All the devil knows, is that he is the devil. All we should know, is that we are sons and daughters of God. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. I am looking in the back of the book as encouraged to see and tell Satan, you gone get it, you gone get it, you gone get it. Bro. Caleb told us we could find it in Revelation 20:10 or “Revelation 2010”. Praise God, I am a winner.
Yesterday and today I’ve taken time to really go over the message Bro. Caleb spoke on yesterday. So many times we go through things and want to know how the outcome will be… And I finally realize that, all this time, the answer was right “at the back of the Book.” My heart is so overjoyed and my spirit is lifted. It’s not only the fact of the battle being over, it’s knowing that I am free! For so long the devil has created an illusion in my life. And what is an illusion? It’s when you think you see something that isn’t really there. Well, today I stand and say, “Devil, I dont know what you THOUGHT you saw in me, but I can tell you who I really am. I am a daughter of God.” Like we tell people sometimes, “You don’t know me!” Now I can say that to the devil. I’m going to press on and on with all I know! The world has nothing to offer me! The world has nothing to offer you, young people. We are striving for a rapture. Revelation 20:10 is the devil’s ending… Don’t let that be your testimony, too. Come to Jesus.
What a weekend to remember! Let Freedom Ring was the theme of the Okeechobee meetings. I was absolutely blessed by the messages I heard from Bro. Perry, Bro. Mullins, and Bro. Caleb. I truly believe the Word had an affect, after I took the limits off of God. I realize that only Christ is worthy, and while everything else is shaking, we are still holding on and the enemy is trying to figure how did we do that.
Keep the fire burning out of control,
Bro. Jack
I have been very inspired by the Messages that have been coming to us from various ministers and through that inspiration I have wondered how can I be a blessing to someone thru the hearing and reading of God’s Word. Well, recently a trial came up in the lives of my family and through that trial a thought came to me. I will share this thought with you and I pray that whosoever reads it will be blessed and begin to wonder. The thought is “What part of you is God using?”
Are you His eyes so that you see His sons and daughters as He sees them? Showing compassion, understanding, and lovingkindness, when there are no words to say that will bring comfort to a soul.
Maybe, you are His arms, that would reach out and embrace a soul lonely, scared and ashamed, so much so that that soul could not hold up his or her head for fear of seeing embrassment or ridicule in the eyes of those who are suppose to see him or her as God sees them.
Or, you could be His mouth, raising your voices in songs, poems, or words of encouragement for hope, faith and most of all love. Bringing soothing comfort to a tortured soul running for his or her life.
Are there only special kinds of people allowed to sacrifice reputation, and status to be a blessing or meet the needs of someone. Whatever happened to gettig out of your comfort zone to meet the needs of others.
In Christ Always
God bless you, Saints!
There is something in my heart that I just wanted to say.
In a recent prayer service, I was praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our congregation, and in the Bride as a whole. I also prayed for the upcoming Acquire the Fire youth meetings. I began reading Joel 2, because I wanted to read about the Lord’s promise to pour out His Spirit in the last days. When I read verse 21, it really struck my heart. It says, “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.”
I held on to that verse. Then, Bro. Jack read the same exact thing in the service. I know that God is going to fulfill Joel 2 once more, just like He did in the upper room. We don’t have to worry. God says not to fear, for He WILL do great things.
The devil is really busy, figthing the youth and such. But, God is even busier. While we’re praying for the Holy Ghost to fall, that mighty outpouring is already on the way! I believe it with all my heart.
Keep believing, saints. God will not let one word return to Him void. Every promise He gave, He WILL perform!
God bless you,
G’morning saints! What an awesome presence there must’ve been when God spoke creation into existence! For He breathed Life upon His Spoken Word and anointed it to grow. He inspired it to come forth! And that’s how it is with every born-again believer! Daily He’s quickening the Word in you, making It real in your life, anointing you to wholly become It little by little unto adoption! And though Satan desires to have you and sift you as wheat, Jesus Himself has prayed for you! (Lk. 22:31) Oh my! Nothing can stop, defeat, or hinder you! Wife of the Lamb, your Husband has prayed for you! You’ve been anointed to grow! Happy Sunday!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
G’morning saints! God is re-establishing His civilization in the minds of His people! Since the fall, the devil, through perversion of the Word, has distorted and blackened the minds of the people, and created a culture of science to challenge the Word of the Lord. But God will have a people that will not be defiled nor deceived by the tactics of the enemy! We are His habitation! We have the mind of Christ! Though the world craves a tangible, organized God, we are a faith civilization, living and walking in today’s anointed Word, and receiving revelation by the Spirit! You are a chosen generation, a royal prieshood, a holy nation, a peculiar people cultured to worship and display the Christ that dwells in you! Happy Sunday!
Sunday November 7, 2010
During and after the Acquire the Fire meetings something happened in my life that I wanted to share…
There were many alter calls during the course of the meetings of which I did not participate in any (not because I didn’t want to.) I sat on the piano (or organ) and prayed to myself while playing “I Surrender All” or “Create in Me a Clean Heart.” It seemed those songs became more and more personal to me as the meetings went on… However, while everyone else cried out to God for forgiveness and salvation, I sat there at my post of duty… And just prayed… No tears, no screaming, no falling out… Just praying…
At first, I believed something was wrong with me… I wasn’t emotional like the rest. How could this be? Was the spirit of God moving and I’d become so desensitized to the “tradition” of a regular alter call that I didn’t feel the need to enter in? Of course I worried greatly about this and prayed even more aggressively… Soon I found myself trying to MAKE an emotional workup. I later realized it doesn’t work like that…
I came out of the meetings with an assurance that God had done something in my life. However, I only felt that I Acquired the “Spark” and not the “Fire.” Troubled, I prayed God for an answer to this mind battle, for the SAME THING happened LAST Acquire the fire meetings… I began to remember the church saying we were going into “Revival” during the meetings… We often acquaint the word revival to the beach; for the waters beat against the beach vigorously washing the trash on the shore… They say the tall waves and loud hard splashes is the oceans way of getting rid of the trash… Well, there were no vigorous cries of forgiveness and/or salvation coming forth from me. I didn’t “vigorously” jump up and down screaming and hollering… What was wrong?!
What was wrong… My approach. God later showed me that, even in the calmest times of the day, those waves still beat on the beach shores. Slowly they come in, slowly they go out. Still, a cleansing is taking place. Everyone has their own ways of experiencing God. Some may jump, some may cry, some may just pray silently. The point is, however, to reach God. Revival isn’t something that takes places on the outside… Revival is an inward cleansing that expresses itself outwardly. Going to the beach, you see the waves; however, you don’t see where they start. You don’t see the push they give just to get to that point where they can let it all go on the sandy beaches. I believe God has started a revival in me and I am pushing and pressing with all I know. I’ve come too far to allow the devil to tell me I’ve gone too in the wrong direction.
Today, God reminded and showed me two pieces of writing I wrote after last year’s Acquire the Fire. The first exert from the first writing said, “Devil, you may have made me feel that I only Acquired a Spark from Acquire the Fire; however, I am going to use that spark to light up your world.” The second exert came from an entry I made expressing a time, much like this time, where I didn’t feel “emotional” when I prayed… At this time I was praying for God to forgive my past sins. I’d asked Him before and felt like I was forgiven; yet I found myself BACK in prayer asking Him to forgive me of the SAME sins… Here is what the entry said:
“I went on for months not feeling guilty for the sins I had committed in the past. I went crazy thinking, “Oh no! I don’t even care that I committed the sins! Does this mean that my heart has turned hard? That I don’t care anymore when I sin?” I questioned my faith sooo many times over the last couple of weeks…
Last night we had prayer service and I began to cry out to God to give me that same Zeal for him that Jehu had in 2 Kings 10:16…. And then I said, “Lord forgive me of the sins I committed so many years ago!!!”….. Once again, I felt no guilt for the sins…. Like, I didn’t care that they even happened. So I started crying saying I had lost my Zeal for God and that sinning didn’t matter to me anymore… yada yada yada… Then I said, “God why don’t I feel guilty??” The answer was so self checking it sent me into another stream of tears!!
God said, “You asked me to forgive you and help you to forget the sins. You asked me to take the guilt away… Now you’re asking me to give you that guilt back??” Now I was crying for God to forgive my unbelief. Lol. Then Mark 3:28 struck my heart. I had never read that scripture before and kept thinking, “Oh this is one of those moments that every Christian wants to have. That moment where they can say Oh God gave me this scripture.” I thought I was just trying to make a “Moment” for myself. Lol. So, anyways, I was like, “No, lm going to keep praying.” But it was in my heart so deep to turn to Mark 3:28… I kept saying “I don’t even know if there are 28 versus in mark 3!!” Lol. I still don’t know how many versus are in Mark 3! But, finally, I picked up my Bible and turned to Mark 3:28 and it said:
‘Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men…’”
I thank God for bringing these experiences back to my memory; for they have encouraged me to keep fighting, keep pressing, know that I am forgiven, and to stay in revival..
I apologize for the length of this entry. However, I hope that it helps and reaches out to someone in some way.
Be Blessed!
Lately I’ve been asking God for a lot of things for myself, others, and our churches. I am really expecting God to pour out His Spirit on all of us that we’ll never be the same. I want a change in my life and everyone else around me. So I encourage you all never stop praying for God’s power to fall on us. I believe that once it does we’ll never want to leave it again.
Throughout the beginning God spoke the world into existence. As Bro. Branham said, He spoke “Let there be…” and walked away. But I noticed something. When God got to man He said, “Let us CREATE man…” He didnt use spoken word to make man. He formed them by hand. He never turned His back and expected it to be done. He watched over His creation from beginning to end and when He was done He saw that it was good! No matter what happens in life, God had His hands and eyes on you. He uses the “dirt” you go through to mold you into His perfect image. Keep pressing on! You’re in Gods hands. Everything will be alright 🙂
Isaiah 64:8
Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
The bible tells us to exercise our faith. In order to do that, first we got to know what exercise means. Well It’s like a person doing bodily exercices, like pumping weights. The more they exercise, the bigger and stronger there muscles become. It’s the same, the more we put our faith to use we are exercising it,it’s becoming a way of life to us. Always remember, your faith from last year won’t do it. You have to keep increasing. Another example, if you keep using the same weight, it will do you no good. That’s why in lifting weights you got to keep adding weight to it, if not your muscles will get used to that weight. It’s the same with our faith muscles, keep using it, lets start it right now, as we pray for each other, you pray for me as I pray for you! May GOD richly bless you
Bro Leeroy
I’ve been in this message a long time now, I never was in a service, that I didn’t get blessed. It’s a secret to that, for the new believers, or the ones simply just don’t know, here is my little secret to you. First, always pray up before you come to church, present your request to Him. Maybe you need an answer, some leading, some correction, you may not know that you are wrong on something. When you get to church, after you get through praying, then read your bible, after that worship Him, in a song tell him that you love Him; set the stage, when you do that, GOD will enter into that minister’s mind and direct him throuhgh to the very thing you are going throuh. He will tell you what to do, answer you questions, even tell you what you are doing wrong. He is an on time GOD yes He is! Sometimes I look in awe to the only GOD that can do that. This is very important, when He corrects you never get mad at the minister, I tell you it’s not him its GOD! If it’s good or bad say “amen”! If any thing in your heart against any one repent and please make it right. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that, never sit on GOD, by all means worship him always regardless. An object of worship can only worship, always keep the ox of the team your pastor in prayer and please never gossip about any one. Never become a babbler in the church it could tear up a church, just keep quiet, mind your own business, I encourge you to read “face book”, keep your face in the bible and the message, let my secret become your secret as well, just a little talk to another sheep. GOD bless you
To the Bride of Christ, here is some encouraging words to uplift your spirit. When things are not going the way you want them, remember that GOD is in control. When you are going through trial after trial, test after test, keep your head up. Don’t even think about giving up. The fight is in you to go on. Rehearse these words in your heart. Let these words echo in your ears. Say with a loud voice, I GOT TO MUCH TO GAIN TO LOSE. Praise the LORD, hallelujah. Young people in your schools, when they ask you why you dress and act the way that you do?Tell them because, I GOT TO MUCH TO GAIN TO LOSE. First tell them that you get to escape the damnation of hell’s fire. Now tell them that you will gain eternal life, streets of gold, a body change, a happy wonderful life with JESUS. Not just young people; but the older ones too. On your jobs, when they ask you, that question why do you act and dress that way? It’s a way that’s very odd to them. Be stern and tell them, I GOT TO MUCH TO GAIN TO LOSE. Tell them what you got to gain, a new young eternal life body, no more sickness, no more pain, a perfect life, perfect happiness, and to forever be with my LORD JESUS. What more can a mortal ask for. Please don’t be like the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16. He had it the other way. He had TO MUCH TO LOSE TO GAIN. He had it all in his earthly life as a rich man, but had nothing in heaven. He also lost out on heaven; but he gained the fires of hell. To all that’s reading this passage of scriptures. Please don’t gain sin in your life and lose out on heaven. You can’t gain both places. You got to gain one and lose the other. There is nothing to gain in this world. Look around the world is in a chaotic condition. It’s about to give away, for the new heaven and new earth. Do all you can to gain heaven and to escape hell. I cry out to you, get your life right with my God.
God richly bless you.
Bro. Leeroy
GOD bless you saints. There has been something on my heart for a while now that I would like to share with you. It is about a GPS and we all no what that is. It stands for global positioning service. It tells the driver the fastest route in the shortesr period of time to reach there final destination. Something struck me like a bolt of lighting and this was instantly placed on my heart. GOD also has a GPS. His GPS stands for GOD’S PREDESTINATED SEED and their final destination is the new earth, new Jerusalem as found in Revelation 21. GOD’S GPS is no ordinary GPS. It is a supernatural one and under no circumstances can it ever be stopped. Because it is doing the driving. Sure you can get side tracked or sometimes stop, but you will get back on track. Here is some bible believers, that got side tracked, but they made it to there destination. King David was destined to be king over judah and Jerusalem. No matter what happened in between, he came to his destination. Joseph was destined to go to Egypt. The hole that he was put in could not stop him. Even prison couldn’t stop him. He had to come out to go to Egypt, praise GOD. Another one named Jonah, tried to take another route. GOD caused a storm to get him back on track. He tried to run but, he couldn’t hide. GOD had furnished another ride to Nineveh for him. GOD had destined Nineveh as Jonah’s final destination. He couldn’t get out of it, neither can you are I. The devil and all of hell cannot stop us, Sure he will try to side track us, he will try to slow us down, but not even death can stop us. To stop us is like trying to stop GOD and he cannot be stopped. His plan cannot return VOID, that’s impossible. Do not look at what’s going on now. Hold your head up keep going to the end. Before the world ever was, GOD had a plan of redemption. So you can get a more clearer picture, in the dictionary, redemption means rescue, to take back, deliverance from sin. We are brothers and sisters and we are the fulfillment of GOD’S thoughts from the beginning. We are GOD’S thoughts expressed in a body of flesh. I can almost here is voice say to my bride you have reach your final destination, welcome and enter into the joy of the LORD. I hope this has been an encouragement to someone.
GOD richly you,
A Work in Progress
There was an old park bench outside my front stoop
When I tried to sit on it, it through me for a loop
It fell apart beneath me, but no need for despair
It was headed for the trash heap, for it was beyond repair
Yet prior to disposal, I gave it a gander
Just a quick once over, to consider the matter
Although it was old, and in a dilapidated state
I thought to restore it… just what would it take?
It could be a nice little project, I thought to myself
Another small victory, just might be good for my health
Before making a decision, I gave a more thorough inspection
I saw a hidden value… nearly beyond detection
The legs were wrought iron, with paint faded and chipped
Yet no signs of rust; it was still stoutly equipped
In order to restore, it must first be broken
Down and reassembled, if it were to be chosen
For some unknown reason, I could not discard this little bench
Though it would require a complete restoration, much more than a quick fix
It’ll take due diligence, yes, a cost would be involved
But I decided it was worth saving, and so set my resolve
I disassembled the iron legs and cleaned them up good
I removed rusty screws, then considered the wood
The wood was battered and worn; perhaps I’d just buy some new planks
But the purpose of this project, was to restore it to ranks
I tested its strength, with a few hard & firm whacks
It bent, but did not break; it resiliently bounced back
Though worn and still dirty, there was no doubt
This pressure treated wood, was still fairly stout
As part of the restoration process, I would have to sand over
The exterior layers, weathered and worn
From neglect and exposure
At first, I used a coarse grain, and gave lots of pressure
But the wood was resistant to these harsh measures
I lighted my strokes, and went with the grain
And before long, I was beyond the outward stains
The damage incurred, sank deeply within
Its rings were very dark, to my initial chagrin
Oddly… as I wiped away the dust and shavings, from all of the sanding
What endured beneath that mess, was something rather outstanding
The stains in the grain fashioned deep intricate rings
Each well-defined and pronounced; they inspired intimate things
Amazingly… the trauma to the wood, actually worked out for good
For it now possessed a richness and character, it by no other means would
I had to take a moment, to think on these things
For something profound, was revealed in those wood rings
My human condition, left me stained deeply as well
But instead of the trash heap, I was headed for Hell
Yet much like that wood, I am being restored
I’m being reformed, to be of service for the Lord.
The parallels are quite striking, the observant would agree
In a much similar fashion, God saved and restores me
Though I’m still a work in progress
Not all I should be
I’m so very grateful, that He continues
To make a project…of me
R. Raynor
GOD bless you church. Wow, what wonderful bible studies we have been having lately. So great, I can’t wait until next week. Just to briefly explain why I pull on the word in bible studies. Because GOD is in the midst of us. Well to some people it is just another bible study, but to me bible study is no different from preaching, teaching, or any other service. It is just the approach is a little different. It’s all the word of GOD. It’s another meal that comes from the mouth of GOD himself. What a profound thing that is! When I eat natural food, I must open my mouth to receive the food. This is a type for when I go to church. How do i eat? By opening my mouth and saying amen,or that’s right, or preach it brother. Let me ask you a question? Have you ever seen someone at their favorite restaurant eating with a sad look on there face or mad at the food. No, they are smiling, laughing, joking, having a good old time. We are all GOD’S children though different from one another. Our voices are different as some have louder voices and some have soft voices, but we can all open our mouth and eat. In the natural, I smack when I eat food. I can’t help that. I also smack in church by pulling and eating on the word of GOD. I will always remember some advice from my mother when I was a small child. She told me when eating, not to eat to fast because it will not digest correctly. Sometimes it will come back up. In church I listen carefully, not to say amen too fast or too soon. I want it to digest just right so I can spiritually absorb the word of GOD in my soul. Last night that bible study was to good, for me not to comment on it.
GOD bless you my brothers and sisters, children, babies and all in the church.
Thank you PASTOR,
Bro. Leeroy
God bless you saints. Well, I am out of the hospital. God once again delivered me from the enemy. I just got to briefly comment on that message ministered by Pastor Smiley, on Sunday August 14,2011. All I can say is wow, what a profound message that was. Remember church, Pastor Duff had just finished out on Revelation chapter 20. He even gave us a book titled ‘The Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride”, to start the next series. But, Bro. Smiley stepped into that inspiration first, talking about that glorious day in heaven with our LORD. Bro. Smiley was truly, spiritually inspired by the Holy Ghost. Only God can do that. His message coincided with Revelation 21, our next bible study series. He even tied into Bro. Jack’s comments on the Wednesday night before Bro. Smiley preached that Sunday. What encouraging words he spoke to us the body of Christ. Even a sinner would have been blessed. I can say that Sunday was a special day to me. A lost part of the body, which at one time was lost, but praise God that day, he was found. Welcome back brother. I found out that some of Bro. Smiley’s class of 1981 was there for a class reunion that weekend. That was just a preview of what it is going to be on the other side, when all God’s children will be there forever. I don’t say much, but when it comes to the Word its hard for me to stop. Pray for me. God bless you Bro. Willie Smiley.
Bro. Leeroy
God bless you saints. Just to say to you that I know that you are praying for me and I appreciate it. The last couple of weeks, I have really been encouraged. I heard the testimony of someone else. Our testimonies helps each other by having similar expriences in our lives. Briefly, I have a very, very, very, encouraging testimony, strange as it seems. I have been encouraged by my enemy the devil. His testimony in heaven as found in the book of Isaiah 14:13-14, talks about his ascension in heaven. I will do this, I will do that, I will do this, mostly about being like the most high God himself. Notice now there is nothing good about him in the bible. What’s written about him, all points to his end, which points to the pit of hell. Even Bro. Branham in the message Satan’s Eden tells us that Satan is now God of the earth. He the devil also told Jesus in Matthew 4:8-9, that the kingdom of the earth, belongs to him. What zeal, what faith, what determination, that he has to fulfill his ambition to be like God. What a testimony, he has no bible scripture that says anything good about him. He has no one to encourage him, but himself. His end is bad. No way that he can get out of it. With all that against him, still he is determined to carry out. What he said that he is going to do, he hates God and hates all mankind. He even hates his demons that works for him. There is no love in him, but for himself. He is a selfish spirit, so wicked, so hateful, so ungodly, and so vile. If the devil can have faith in what he says, what about me. This is what really encourages me. If I knew that I was going to hell, I would be screaming, from the top of my voice: Lord, help me. But not this wicked spirit. I asked myself a question, if the devil can act like that, knowing that his end is the pits of hell, and can still hold to his testimony, what about my testimony. I got so many good scriptures for me in the bible about my end, like Revelations 21 and there’s many more scriptures telling me that I am going to be there. I also got encouraging words from my brothers and sisters. I got bible promises. God even sent a major prophet to me. He also sent the five fold ministry. What more can I ask of God. From here on out brothers and sisters. I am encouraged and I will never let a trial, test, bad outcome, hard time, or anything no matter what comes good or bad as I am determined to go all the way with my Lord. My testimony is to also be like the most high God. Only thing different between my testimony and the devil’s testimony is I got scriptures saying that I am to be like God and the devil does not. Church when its all over, just before the devil gets through in hell, I hope that God will give me 5 minutes with the devil, to testify to him about his end verses my end. What a day that will be church. I hope to God, that this be a blessing to at least one person.
May God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
A little subject has been on my mind about response. As humans we want a response for our actions or accomplishments in life no matter if the response is good or bad. We still want a response. No other animal is made like that. The sports world has cheerleaders and fans. Entertainers have fans also. A response tells a lot. God himself wants a response from His creation. Man is the highest form of creation. Man also should give him the highest form of praise and worship. Here is a response to God’s word in the bible. Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 4,5 and 6 all the people answered Amen, Amen. I just love to here that. Notice in Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 4 Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood. My I didn’t know the word pulpit was in the bible. God’s word is still being read in the church. We must do that in every service then open our mouths and respond. What if you go to a restaurant and the waitress gives you a menu to order from, and you don’t say any thing. Just point to the menu to tell what you want. I wonder how far that will go. You got to open your mouth to order and eat your food. Here is another example. What if a plate of food is before you and all you do is shake your head up and down. You will leave hungry. You must open up and eat. Every time that you open up and say Amen or that’s right brother, God keeps feeding you. If you are hungry you will eat not just on Sunday mornings but also in bible studies, as well as Friday night services. Regardless of my situation I must press. God loves the pulls from his people. One last thing, if you go to a buffet and nobody is eating. The food gets cold and then someone complains and asks the manager to bring out new food. His reply will be to eat what’s out there first, then they will bring out more. Sometimes food like spinach, carrots, or medicine like castor oil, does not taste good, but it is better for you than sweets like candy or cakes. Not all the time because it taste better means that it is better for your health. God knows how to feed us so let him decide on how satisfy our tastes.
May God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
1 Chronicles 28:20 NLT
Then David continued, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly.
Hebrews 3:6 NLT
But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God’s [temple]. And we are God’s [temple], if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ.
We are all the temple of God to which He has chosen to dwell in. God will see to it that everything He has ordained for our lives will come to pass (as the first Scripture states, “He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly.”) Christ has been appointed charge over all our lives. In this we can find faith and courage to make it day-by-day. Know He has His hands on you. When doubts come and discouragment arises please be strong in the Lord and know that everything is in His control. Remember, the word “discourage” contains the word “courage.” You must find your courage in times of discourage.
Finally, saints,
“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”
(1 Corinthians 16:13)
Peace to you all, Saints of God.
The Lord is great and greatly to be Praised. Words cannot express how much I think of His grace towards me and how they are NEW every morning – God is Faithful and Sovereign.
For the past few weeks, I must honestly say that I’ve been feeling a bit sorrowful due to the fact of waiting for God to do something special in my life, but it would seem as though nothing has happened yet. Of course, God has His own time frame in which we are governed by (even though we try so hard to fit God into our own mental capacity.) I must admit, I’m one of the people that think when God says He going to do something, He’s going to do it with a loud Bang! and everyone will know. Which in some cases, He might – but not all the time.
I appreciate the Message that was preached by our precious Brother visiting from Alabama. I’ve learned that God is hidden in such simplicity and does things in our lives that we cannot comprehend. I’ve always heard “God is hidden in Simplicity” my entire life being in the Message. But I must admit it actually clicked today and God can answer your prayers – not in a loud broadcasted occurrence, but in a still small voice.
Once I recognized that God likes to visit individuals on a more personal base, I also recognized that God had already answered my prayers a long time ago, just not in the fashion I intended it to be in. This is really sad because a lot of people miss God just because He doesn’t come in the way we perceive He should come. Like we all know, His ways are not our ways – neither are His thoughts that of our own. God can do whatever He wants to do whenever He wants.
I had ask God to forgive me to being so slothful in recognizing Him working a work in my life and my prayer is that I draw more closer to Him as He is soon to return. I thank God for each and every one of you Saints. We are the body of Christ and He promised to pour out His Spirit in this Last Day. We are getting closer and closer to that out-pouring of the Holy Ghost – amen.
Many Blessings
I pray for you, and you pray for me – and watch God changes things.
God Bless.
-Sis. Alexandria
God richly bless all his saints! I would like to personally thank God almighty for the mighty visitation when Brother Jack and his family came over to Zimbabwe last christmas. I am a personal fan of spontaneous worship and praise to the Almighty that comes from way down and is done skilfully in God’s spirit and truth! This was what i experienced. Bless you Sister Ellen Burrs, Sis Tina Wesco, Brother Caleb (nice playin on the sax), Rachel, Alexandria, Rebecah, and Sarah! It was like fire shut up in my bones being let loose. May God so help us to stay on that beaten path, on our post of duty, laying in the presence of the Son of God till every fibre of our bodies is filled with His love and Spirit….may His name be exalted forever and ever
Church, I said a while back that there would be no more commenting for me. Sorry, I just got to comment about Sunday morning message titled Preach Deliverance To The Captive. I admit that I was a captive. We all can say it was a strange, but very special service. To me it was strange because it was a supernatural service.
I will start out with the atmosphere that was created by us. It was truly a heavenly atmosphere. It was a service where any thing could have happened. Here is a type. In a football game, the team playing at home has all that county or town, cheering and pulling to create an atmosphere for that team. But when that same football team is playing out of town, the host fans are not cheering for them, but creating a negative atmosphere for that team. It’s the same in church. In our church, the minister should always have a good atmosphere set at the home church. It should be better at home church than going out of town. Another type is on our jobs, at school, shopping, or at a theme park. Those kinds of worldly atmospheres are against the supernatural church atmosphere.One is for the flesh and the other is for your soul.
Now about the rest of the service on Sunday. During the preaching, I got wounded a lot. That’s what I come to church for, to find out what’s wrong with me. When Bro. Jack said if you feel that God was speaking to you lift you hands. Quickly I lifted my hands. I am not ashamed to admit when I’m wrong and have a lots of problems. There’s no need of getting mad when you can repent and be glad. I could have lifted both hands and both feet as well. When I got home I went straight to the emergency room. Not a natural hospital emergency room, but in my room at home, on my one knee stretched out, praying, and crying out to God to forgive and help me. That’s my emergency room. I must admit I got a lot of deeps cuts from the word of God. When our sister sang my God is real, I caught that we must be real as well with our confession, our repentance, and our walk of life also. God bless you Bro. Jack for that message and God bless all the saints that helped create the atmosphere.
May GOD bless each and every one of you in our local church body,
Bro. Leeroy
God Bless you saints. For the past few days I’ve been feeling so overwhelm within myself for wanting everything so quick to happen in my life, that it was hard to even pray for myself. It even showed through my schoolwork that I am not happy with myself and where I want to be at this point in my life. I just felt the plan I was planning to follow wasn’t going to happen, maybe because God deserved so much more for that He has done in my life. I was upset for not giving him the time of day in my daily life. When this month began I finally realized what’s been holding me back, it’s my relationship with Lord. I feel that I fail Him not putting Him first in everything I do. I feel guilty for just giving the Lord just 5 minutes of my day. If I want something to change in my life it got to be me. I have to promise to give the Lord more than just five minutes because he deserves so much more. I was just a nobody before I truly accepted the Lord into my life. Him forgiving me is more precious than anythng in this earth. He has changed my life, everyday I’m learning things I didn’t know about myself until He revealed it to me. So I thank you God for not losing Your hope in me and for Your love that will push me through anything that comes my way. I thank you Lord for placing me in the sanctuary were my love for You started. Today I don’t want to be selfish in just giving you 5 min or 10 minutes. I want a time for You where I can’t never stop praying and worshiping You with all of my soul.
Well church, I said that I would not comment anymore. I can’t help it. Sorry church. A while back on May 16, 2010, our very own pastor, Bro. Jack preached a sermon titled, “He Saved The Best For Last.” What a blessing that message was to me. Some how that very message always stuck with me. Even right now that sermon is nothing but the truth. With man it is different. Man picks there best first. An example is like a football draft, they always pick the best players first. In stores they display there best first. Also, even food stores put out there best food first. In school I was always picked last because of my size and limited talent. In St. John chapter 2 verses 1 to 10, Jesus first miracle talks about serving the best wine first. Why because after they get drunk with the best or good wine, they will drink almost anything. But with Jesus it was different as He saved the best for last. We in this church age was saved for last. Think about it Paul, King David, Samson, Elijah, Joshua were great men of God and many others before us were more faithful, had more zeal, and even more dedicated than us. It seems like God would have chosen them last. But he didn’t, He choose you and I. Wow, we are God’s best in the most wicked age and time that ever was. Out of all the 7 church ages, this one is the worst. Imagine that, God choose us. The other church ages were in the playoffs, but we are in the finals. The final battle of good and evil. He saved us for this. Sure we don’t deserve it, but it was His choice. Never put yourself down. We are the Bride of Jesus. Mrs. Jesus, that’s who we are. No other church age messenger could have said what Bro. Branham said to us. He said I no longer call you church, but I call you bride. What a high calling.
Church,pray for me. I’m going through hard trials and tests. Nevertheless I will pass each one of them, I assure you. Maybe someone else like myself is going through as well. I hope these comments encourage you. The book of James chapter 1, verse 2 and 3 tells me to count it all joy. Not some tests, but all tests. There is a quote book by Bro. Branham titled ‘Persecuted But Noy Forsaken’. Remember,no matter what comes my way, I will not be forsaken. Forsaken by who? God! He will not leave us. Bro. Branham also made a very profound statement. He said that every believer has to go through the acid test of death through suffering,trials, tests, and hardtimes. Suffering brings out the best in us.
Here is a type. Like gold is tried and put in a fiery furanace and heated up. Only the pure gold will remain that’s why we can stand. We are likened to gold. Gold is tried by fire and that’s why the true believer goes through fiery tests to be proven. Notice again in the book of James 1:3 it says knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Our faith is tested also. Always remember knowledge is tested. An example is if you tell your spelling teacher, put me in the spelling bee contest. I know that I can spell. That teacher will test you first to see if you can spell. If you tell your math teacher, I can do any kind of math, I know math. You ask that your teacher pass you for the year. What you say sounds good, but in reality that teacher will test you in math before passing you. Another type is I might read 50 books on how to be a policeman. I might even get a hold of a policeman uniform. I might go and buy a badge and a gun. I might look like a policeman, dress like one, but when time to be tested, is to be called to go into duty. I better have what I say I got. Without the proper test and training it is possibile that I could get hurt or killed in the line of duty. Other examples include the armed forces testing of there soldiers, to get them ready for a war. In schools they test there students in one grade before promoting to a higher grade. Your job tests you also. You almost can’t get a job without a diploma of taking a GED test. GOD has to test us too, to see if we got what we say we got. He has to prove us with test after test after test, to get us ready to go home, to get raptured. What a joyful time that will be. Glory!
May God Bless,
Bro. Leeroy
I was blessed by the youth service last night. It was wonderful to see that there are still young people serving the Lord. My children are adults now, and I was always thankful that these services were available for them.
However, I was blessed by the Lord, last night. I had questions (and, yes, no matter how long you’ve been walking with the Lord Jesus Christ, everyday we should be learning more and more how to trust Him, serve Him, and hear His calling for our lives) about why my life had taken on certain qualities that I felt were not indicative of my christian walk, as some you have heard in the songs that the Lord has gifted me with. Well, one of the main changes was, why was my prayer life so messed up? I’ve always been a strong prayer warrior since my childhood because God was the only one I could talk to during my childhood struggles.
Sometimes we can cause and or create our own tests. I remember making a statement to the Lord during some of my most recent struggles and that statement was ” Lord God no matter what happens to me and those that I love, satan could not TURN me away from God. I was not afraid for my fleshly body because I have received the power of healing from God before.
Well, in the midst of my current struggles I began to feel overwhelmed and would be so tired from those struggles, that I found myself falling asleep at prayers, not knowing what to say during prayers. My prayers became less and less, or I would tell myself, I’ll finish them while I’m laying in bed, or sit the chair, instead of getting on my knees in front of the bed or chair.
I found out last night that TURNING AWAY from God can happen in more ways than one. Satan did take me away from God. I could not be pulled away from God by going back into the world, I was never apart of the world. But my prayer life…..I had never felt so far from God before. Praise God that He did not leave me to my own profession. I put myself in the way of God. God is gracious to forgive even when we don’t know what we are talking about. Satan can do anything if we let go of God. I stand strong in knowing that he did not give up on me. Praise God for a Victory Won!!!!! Now I can face the challenges again knowing that I will be stronger and wiser in what I do and say, even in prayer. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ for saving a sinner such as I. I love You, Lord. Thank you, Brother Jack, because your services started the healing process, spiritually, so that I could be tender at the right moment when God opened my eyes and my heart to hear what I needed to hear.
I pray that this is not too long, but I wanted to share, just in case someone is having similar experiences.
Church, I thank God for the series of messages in our Wednesday night bible studies. They were titled The Inner Man, from the book of Ephesians the 3rd chapter. You see church, I don’t comment on something, just to comment. Notice its says Lived Voices and I have to be living right to comment. Then I wait until the right time to comment, if God wants me to say something. If he says don’t say anything, I assure you I will not say a word.
I got so much out of those services. I really enjoyed the illustration of the 3 circles with the body, spirit, and soul on the chart board. Church I thought I knew a little about the subject, but each service as our pastor taught, things begin to unfold. After each service I got more revelation and understanding, like I never had before. Sometimes right during the service I was amazed. I read at home and listen to tapes each and every day. It seems like I get most of my revelation and understanding during the live services.
I believe as a sheep I will never get more revelation and understanding than my pastor. It is because he brings it directly from God. I can also say none of the five fold ministry will get more revelation and understanding than our prophet Bro. Branham. That was God divine order.
I also enjoyed that comment, that whatever is on the inside of us must show itself at the appointed time through those other 2 realms of our spirit and body. It will surface on the outside to show whats on the inside of the soul. The religious world tries to push from the outside to the inside. An example is like beating on the back or saying some repeated words. That’s not it. They try to force spirituality from the outside to the inside. Sometimes through intellect or head knowledge of the Word people use their ability. Like Cain, through the works of his hands he brought an offering to God.
True religion comes from the inside to the outside. Here is another type. A dove naturally produces oil from the inside and that oil from the inside pushes out to clean the dove outside. Another type is a black or let’s say a crow doesn’t produce oil to clean itself from within. The crow never gets fully clean at the base of its feathers so a crow has to wash in a water puddle, by splashing in the water. From the outside it is trying to get clean but it is an inside job with God. Jesus said I will be in you, not on you, but the inside. He will show himself if he is there.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
God bless. My soul has been uplifted with the subject of the inner man that we studied on Wednesday night. How we take part by part to understand each of them and why they are placed in our life and how they are used. The most important thing that I learned is the soul and how there are two ways it can be controlled. It can either be faith or doubt and that is what influences the outside layer, which is the body. That was a blessing to hear.
Church I would like to briefly share with you, why I press out to church, read my bible, read the messages books, and lisen to tapes as much as I can. It is so I can be current and updated on all the things that God is doing. Here is a type. On my computer it is optional that I update my computer (like Windows and driver updates). Some new programs need to be updated. If I don’t update my computer it will start to slow down and eventually it will not work as it should. It’s the same type with us in this Message. Without updates my spiritual walk with God will be affected. I will start to slow down and start to miss church services. Let’s say I only come to church on Sundays for years. Well the Wednesday and Friday nights services have new updates and if I am not there, I am going to miss important update info.
Another type is like in Israel, the pillar of fire kept moving, so from 1965 to 2012, God is still moving and providing current updates. The voice of the prophet is echoing in the five fold ministry. Ain’t God good.
Always remember this, never shut your computer down while installing updates,especially Windows updates. Why, if you stop that computer before it finishes the update, you will miss important information, and it will not successfully install. Same in church, if your stop coming to church, you will miss updates from God.
Notice my computer was running live updates, which types that I need live updates, in person services. I want to successfully be updated by God so I need to come to live church service to get proper updates from God. It’s good to update your computer at home but it’s better to update your spiritural computer in your home church.
God bless you,
Bro. leeroy
Church, I want to comment on Sunday morning’s message,entitled Millennium Without Repentance. I never in my life until now seen it preached that way before. Bro. Trevor, truly broke some spiritual bread. That’s why I constantly thank God, for the ministering brothers that comes our way, and in our midst as well. I never seen repentance on that level and angle, especially the way he brought it to us.I can speak only for myself. There was no doubt in my mind, I was 100% sure that God was speaking to me. That’s why I can boldly say that I am not ashamed to say when I am wrong and need to repent on something in my life. I don’t have to wrestle or have mind battles about making it right by repenting. When the brother went to the book of Malachi, I knew that was a type of me on how I treat God sometimes. I am not offering Him my best all the time. Church something just struck me while the brother was ministering on repentance. At that time my mind took me to Genesis 3, where Adam and Eve sinned. Instead of repenting for there sins, they tried to blame each other or someone else for their sins. They never told God that they was sorry for what they did. They tried to cover their sins with fig leaves. Notice they covered the body parts that they sinned with. If it was apples, why didn’t they try to cover there mouth. Also in Joshua chapter 7 the bible talks about Achan’s sin. He kept back some spoils, a Babylonian garment, 200 shekels of silver, and a gold wedge. He also tried to hide his sin by burying them in the earth in his tent. Another example is in 2 Samuel 11, when King David lay with another man’s wife. She conceived by David, but he tried to cover his sin. He tried to get her husband Uriah, to go home and sleep with her,so he could shift the blame. God saw what the king did and God exposed him. The word corrected the king but David didn’t repent to Uriah. As humans we always try to blame something or someone for what we did. Just like Bro. Trevor said, while we are sinning we are walking away from GOD. Satan can have us on cruise control and headed to hell. We got to repent, turn around and head back to God. Here is a type. On my computer, if I click on certain advertisements, or go to the wrong place on my computer, i will get a virus. The type is if I watch the wrong thing or go to a bad place I will get a demonic spirit on me. You remember that girl Bro. Branham talked about that went into the dance hall got a spirit on her. She downloaded a spirit in her and we can download a demon in us too, if we are not careful. If you get a virus on your computer’s hard drive, you need a tech expert to delete it. It’s the same when you get a demon in your body. You will need to take your ‘heart’ drive to God so He can delete it out of you.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
Church, I got to comment on Sunday’s message, titled “Even So Send I You”. I was in the Army for 4 years. When I signed up, I had to take a series of tests to find out what I scored the most points in. For example if I scored high in automotive repair, the Army will send me to school for a auto mechanic. Even if I wanted to be something else, it was not my choice, but the choice of the Army. Here is a spiritual type for the church. In church if I wanted to be a song leader, I got to have the ability, not only to sing, but the ability to lead songs as well, just like being in the Army. In God’s Army it’s the same. God decides where He places us in the church body. He alone sets the order and places the gifts in the church body. God is the 5 star General and uses us the way He made, gifted, and natured us. God’s assistants is the five fold ministry of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. The regular Army consists of lieutenants,captains, majors, colonels, and generals. There is only one Commander In Chief and he is over all. God has a church body which works as His soldiers and there opponent in war is the devil’s army.
Another thing to notice notice is that the Army focuses on 3 thing in a soldier. First is the uniform which is their dress code. Second is their talk and third is their walk. This is the focus, the whole time that a soldier is enlisted. Just as the regular Army consists of lieutenants,captains, majors, colonels, and generals. The devil’s army consists of one 5 star fallen general which is the devil himself. Next is his ranking demons and he has lieutenants, captains, majors, colonels, and generals. His lowest ranking demons is called emps which are ground soldiers. The devil also focuses on 3 things. First is the dress code as he tries to get the church to dress like the world. Secondly he focuses on talk where he tries to get the church to talk like the world. Third he focuses on the walk where he tries to get the church to live like the world because our walk in the bible means the life we live.
When I was in the Army I found out that there are different reasons why people join the Army. Some enlist for life and they are known as lifers. They love the rules, their uniforms and it’s their pride and joy to retire in it. The next group enlists because it’s a family thing. Their father, uncle, and all their brothers, and other family members was in the Army so it became a family tradition. Another group was tired of their old way of living and want to exprience something new, travel to site see. They never fully commit to the Army and have a hard time following the rules. They are usually not on time for duty. The next group was forced join by the judge. It was either to join the Army or go to jail so they choose the army. They never liked the Army, but was forced to join. Here is a church type, the one that enlisted for life was called by God to be in the body of Christ. They will remain in the church until death, no matter what happens good or bad, for they are lifers. The ones that enlist because of my mother was here or great grandmother was here in the same church or because their family is in the church. When the family leaves they will leave. They are not dedicated to the church or its rules. There are some in church because they are tired of being in and out of jail or prison, it’s a type of being in some program that makes them come to church just as some soldiers were made to go to the Army.
I can also say this from being in the Army. If you are a very good car mechanic all of your life before you joined the army you was gifted to put parts together and figure out how to fix a car. If you were born with that, when the army sends you to school, you can advance over the others, because of that gift in your life. You can go higher. Another example of this is that if someone in the church is an anointed singer, but doesn’t have a good singing voice. There is another person in the church that has the anointing and a gifted voice. The one with both the anointing and the gifted voice, will be a better blessing to the church body. I believe you get the picture. I can say more as I am burning, but i will end by saying this to my pastor Bro. Jack. Truly that message was a blessing and it was from God.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
Church,I asked myself a very important question. As a believer in this message, if I were put on trial for being a christian or you, would they have enough evidence to convict me. Or, will they find me not guilty for been a christian. If there was anytime in my life that I was found guilty, it would for being a christian. Many christians before me were tried and tested and stood the tests and passed them all. What a testimony! It reminds me of a song our Sister Tina sings so beautifully, “I have A Testimony.”I listened to it again today, and that song inspired me to comment.
Church I want to get to a place in my life where I put GOD first in everything. I don’t want to make God my spare tire and ride on the things of the world. Then when trouble comes I call on God. No, I am going to ride only on the things of God. God wants first in my life.
This end-time message that God sent to us in this age, is the best spiritual food and blessing that he has to offer me. If God can offer me his best surely I can give him my best as well. Sometimes His word tears me to pieces by correcting me when I am wrong. It has to hurt because the bibles says its a 2 edged sword. It’s not made out of rubber. We sometimes don’t want the ministers to tell our business, but we go on Facebook and willfully tell all of our business. When you think about it, that does not make sense. They should change the name from Facebook to tell all your business book. We need to face our bible and listen to the tapes and books of this message more and more and more.
I have also been noticing that brother after brother has been preaching on the same line as our pastor. That is God confirming His word. Just maybe someone or somebody needs to repent. God always give warning before judgement.
Here is a type. Let’s say I bought a new car, it is optional that I get maintenance on time. That car will need to be serviced, but if I started to overlook the warning signs like check engine, low battery, oil light, or service engine soon, the car will soon run bad. Eventually it will stop running. If a mechanic tells you your car is fixed but it is still running bad, then the problem is still there. It is the same with me. If I truly repented I will not go back to acting the way I used to act before. If I repent and still not acting right, then I have the wrong spirit on me. If I made it right the first time, it will not be brought up again.
God bless you Bro. Smiley for that profound message on June 15,2012. It truly was a message that fit the occasion. I was blessed beyond measure and I know all the young people was blessed. The devil was mad and is in intensive care now as he was hurt bad last night. I truly believe that every question that the youth had in their minds was answered last night by God. They all got a clear understanding on why they act, dress, think, and do the things that young people do. I noticed the Holy Spirit kept us in the direction of the carnally and the spiritually minded. I never seen it in that light. God chooses people different from the world. The world looks for the biggest, the best looking, the best shapes, the best voices, the best in everything, but with God it is entirely different. It’s the opposite in choosing with God. An example is Sampson. We know Sampson had a problem in his flesh, but i think the thorn was his small size. Bro. Branham said he was a dwarf and as long as he saw himself small in his eyesight he was okay and humbly relying on God. For example in Judges 15:18 Sampson gave God all the credit for his great victory. He knew God gave him that strength. But notice in Judges 16:20, Sampson still small in size, but he became filled with pride. Notice this time he said to Delilah, I will go out as other times before and shake myself. He became big in his own eyes now and gave the credit to himself and not to God. Remember Lucifer said ‘I will’ in Isaiah 14:13. Another example is in Moses. In egypt he was a big name for he was a great leader trained in Egypt. He was a great speaker, a great fighter, and had many abilities. As a little boy his mother told him that some day he would deliver Israel from Egypt, but he failed in his own ability. When he met GOD in that pillar of fire, it did something to him. Moses at his very best, was strong and in the prime of life, but failed. After all his ability was gone, he was old, but now not full of pride any more. God said at your weakest I can use you now Moses. Again I thank you Bro. Smiley for letting God use you.
God richly bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
Church, in our Wednesday night bible study, June 21, 2012, our pastor said so many good things. What really struck out to me was his comments on respecting a pastor or any of the five fold ministry that God sent to us. No matter if he says something that you might not agree with. Even as a man he is human like you and I. If you don’t like a member of the five fold ministry as a person, please respect the office that they hold. Here’s a type. You might not like a policeman at all, but you will respect his office. You must respect the position that he holds. God can’t lead us or bless us if we can’t follow leadership. This is how the spirit works on us. A leader might make a decision on something and we don’t like it so we criticize and get mad at the leader. Finally we disrespect the leader and his office and that’s a bad thing to do. I got experience on that so I am not just talking. Please make it right by repenting and saying I was wrong, and I am sorry. If you loose respect for a leader he no longer can help or lead you. Another example is you might feel that you can do a better job than him and you might, but God chose him. Here is some bible types as that spirit started first in heaven. Lucifer was his name and he wanted to be more that what God made him. First he started to get jealous of God and then he begin to criticize the way God did things. In his corrupt mind, he might have said to the angles if i was in charge I will run heaven a little better than God. Another type is in Numbers the 16th chapter. That same spirit got on Korah and Dathan. First they started to look at Moses’ faults and shortcomings in his life. They watched the way he led Israel and they didn’t like it. They began to criticize Moses and started to disrespect his leadership ability. They wanted to lead Israel. Moses was a true shepherd to lead. Here is another type found in 2 Samuel the 15 chapter. King David had a son named Absalom. He conspired against his father to over throw him, so he could become king. He disrespected his father and thought that he would do a better job as king. Church that was a bad spirit to have.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
Church, I have been enjoying our bibles studies on the book of Ephesians. Ephesian 4:11, talks about how God set these offices in the church to benefit the body. What a blessing that is to us. Now in my own little way, I will try by the help of the Holy Spirit to type theses offices to the natural medical offices. Medical offices work together to find the best care and outcome for the patient. It’s the same with the five fold ministry. They also work together to find the best care and outcome for the body of Christ. Here is the type. First is a pastor which he is called a shepherd because he got sheep. He also is a burden bearer and can carry the burden of his sheep. He loves and cares for them. A pastor type is consider a primary doctor or family doctor. When a problem comes up if he needs to help, he refers the patient to a specialist called an apostle. An apostle is a special man and his job is to set up churches and to keep the church in order. He deals with a lots of spirits and has a vast amount of experience in dealing with problems in the churches. That what Apostle Paul did. In the natural he is like a hospital administrator because there job is to help manage hospitals. His job requires regular interaction with the board, as well as the medical staff and departments. He also directs the hospital activities. The Apostle finds the problem and refers the patient to another specialist for more tests. He is called a prophet for the prophet is also a special man. He is likened to an eagle. The higher He goes, the more he can see. Especially sin, as he has an eye for it. He sees visions and dreams. In the natural type he is called a radiologists because he sees the problem by x-rays, ct scans, or maybe a mri. This is to see whats going on in the body. After he confirms his diagnosis, he sends the patient to a surgeon because now the patient needs a operation. His medical records goes to a surgeon which is called an evangelist. An evangelist is special as he doesn’t waste any time on cutting the problem out of the patient’s body. He uses a two edged sword to cut with. In the type of an evangelist, he is a man that goes from city to city cutting out sin. Phillip did that in Acts 8:40. Now after the operation, the patient is referred to physical therapist to teach the patient back to health. This is accomplished through exercise like stretching. The teacher uses the Word to minister to the person’s soul and body in efforts to bring them back to a full healing. A teacher is also a special man. None of the others of the five fold ministry can bring it like him. That is his office and he is not in a hurry in his teaching.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
The last youth service that I attended on June 15, 2012, was truly a blessing and a great encouragement for me. That was the same thing my father ministered at Bride of Christ Tabernacle in Boynton Beach on Thursday night. Bro. Smiley reaffirmed that on Friday night. God just continues to do amazing things time and time again. When the word of God is spoken, wherever you are at and whoever you are He will speak to you. One of the main points in his sermon is that some people young or old especially in the message are afraid of being an oddball. I noticed that all throughout the bible, all those who truly followed and obeyed the voice of God were oddballs. The prophet Elijah, Joshua, Caleb, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Daniel, Apostle Paul, Stephen the martyr, John The Baptist all were separated from the world and committed to God. They seemed odd and weird in their day. But at the end of the day that’s what God uses and does. By human knowledge and wisdom these people seemed foolish but to God they were wise. Keep moving ahead Saints. I definitely am and will continue to be a Fool for Christ! We all should be that way and satisfied.
God Richly Bless You all,
Bro. Paul Jean
God bless you Bro. Hugo Macdonald for Sunday’s message. The message was titled “Waiting On God.” All that he said was good, but what stuck to me was how we get in trouble for not waiting on God. We complain, find fault in things, that we don’t like to do or places we don’t to go. We also find wrong in people we don’t like. But what is strange to me is if you are on a job you like very much, you will put up with what’s going in that job. It’s hard to complain and find fault in thing that we like to do or places we like to go, or people we like to be around. Night clubs, parties, theme parks are what we call fun places. There aren’t many complaints. But when it comes to God, or church, people find faults, on why they can’t go to church or serve God. You might see others living wrong, but that should not impact you.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
Hopefully, this will be a word or encouragement to someone. We can get different communication plans for our smart phones or I-phone through, AT&T, Boost Mobile, Sprint, or Verizon. Imagine all these plans that we pay for monthly. I’d like to introduce you to a better and smarter plan. It is in Jeremiah 33:3 as it says “call unto me, and i will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” This plan is free and it allows you to talk to God. You can talk to him by prayers or just talk to Him. He will listen and will answer thee. You can talk about all of your problems and He will show you the right way to go. You will never run out of minutes or talk time with Him.
May God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
It’s not our works, our gifts, or our church name. All that is good. Jesus mentioned these things in Matthew 7:21-23.
He said I never knew you. Wow, what a powerful statement. Not one time did He know them. Please don’t be like them. Jesus wants a personal relationship. Talking, preaching, singing, quoting his Word and praising Him are all good. But without a personal relationship with Him, nothing else in life matters. Notice Jesus said I never knew you. Jesus wants a permanent, life long relationship with you and I.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
Wow church, Sunday’s message was truly a blessing to me. It opened up my understanding on a lot of things, especially the comment on Facebook. It should be called ‘tell your business book’ as people volunteer to show and tell all there business. What they are saying and showing is open to anyone both good and bad people. Facebook can be used for good. It depends on what you tell. Why can’t people tell bible stories, give bible verses, or tell what a good time they had in church or bible study. In Revelations 20 and verse 12 we find that no one can escape these books. They are God’s Facebooks and we all will give a account for our own lives. God will show us every thing that we did wrong in life as it is recorded in his books. If you are a sinner, you don’t have to remain a sinner. Repent and give your life to Jesus. He will blot out all your sins. Here is a quick comment about my space. You will either have a space in heaven for living and doing right, or a space in hell burning with the devil, for not living and doing right. It’s your choice.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
I would like to say something to encourage someone. It is about my Lord and Savior. In the book of Philippians 2 verses 3 and 9 it talks about the humility of Jesus. He was so humble that many never knew that he was God. In the flesh, they never knew he was the king of the universe. Notice he knew all things, but walked around like he didn’t know very much. Jesus didn’t act like a ‘know it all’. He never acted like a somebody. He was a somebody that acted like a nobody. Wow! Even when he healed someone, he told them not to tell it.
That is not us as we want to be noticed. It was no self glorification in him. He was the best, but acted like he was last place. He didn’t build a reputation at all for himself. All this was done for you and I. It’s not what we have but what we do or what we achieve in this life. The most important is to become the image of Jesus.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
Jesus was a friend to all. He loved his enemies, the same as he loved his friends. In Luke 6:27 He told us to love our enemies. In Matthew 26:50 He even called his enemy, friend. Wow! We often sing what a friend we have in Jesus. He is living in you and I and we at some point in our lives need to love our enemies just like Christ did. He loved every one, rather they agreed with him, liked him, or wronged him, in any way. It didn’t matter to Jesus, so why does it sometimes matter to us. See it’s easy to be a friend to someone who likes us, agrees with us, and treats us right. But it’s not easy to be a friend to someone that doesn’t agree with us, tells us when we are wrong, or treats us the way we don’t like to be treated. Remember God is the judge, not you or I so let’s show the love of Jesus to everyone.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 says to every thing there is a season,and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. We enjoy our time here, but when God calls us to come home, there is nothing or no one can stop it. Sure she will be missed by us and her family. We enjoyed the time that we had with her. Now it’s, God’s time to have her in glory. Sis. Carter got an upgrade. God gave her the full redemption plan. In that plan she got a changed body that is new and young. He completely healed her from her head to her toe, inside and out. No more sickness, no moro pains, and no more sorrow there. She went home on Dec, 25, 2012. What a Christmas present. A change from mortal to immortal. She transferred from an earthly body to a heavenly body. I know she is shouting right now.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
You know a sinner can’t walk a straight line under the inflence of alcohol. The first thing the law will ask him or her to do is walk a straight line, if they are found intoxicated. If they are really intoxicated, they will stumble and fall. This a type for a Christian. You see Christians can’t walk a straight line under the influence of the world. They will stumble and fall. Our legal system will put a drunk sinner in bondage or should I say jail. This is the same for a Christian that is drunk of the world. God’s laws will place that Christian in bondage. If you find yourself in bondage, remember the law put Peter in jail, but mercy, love, grace, and the Holy Spirit got Peter out of jail. Even though the law puts a person in jail, it can’t get them out. It is like a policeman putting someone in jail, but it takes a judge to get them out. The law condemned the adulteress in the bible, but thank God that mercy and grace freed her and didn’t condemn her.
God richly bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
I want to encourage those with gifts. In Matthew 25:14-26 it speaks about the talents that were given to 3 servants. Two of them doubled there talents. The third one was scared and hid his talent. There are so many gifted people in our church, young and old. Please don’t bury your talent. Use it for God because He gave it to you, for you to use it. It is to be used to bless the local body. God want to gain interest on what He gave you. Notice in Matthew 25:15 says God give the ability and not man. Some got less gifts and some got more gifts than others. We want to use them all. Even though this parable in the bible has an a earthly story, it also has a heavenly meaning to it. God allows us to age, to show us that we don’t have time to waste. Use your time wisely as we are in a time body. If we remained the same age all the time and some of us will never do anything. Matthew 25:26 says a slothful servant, and Matthew 25:30 says an unprofitable servant. Don’t be afraid that you are not going to be a blessing. If God gave it to you, you will be a blessing.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
Bro. Branham said in the “Spoken Word Is The Original Seed” that each generation has its own revival. Each generation gets a chance at the word. Young people its your time to fulfill the word. This is your hour your chance, your time to take the book and to eat it up. Its your time to receive the Holy Ghost. Its your time to pull more on the Word. Its your time for the movement of the Spirit in your lives. What ever you don’t miss this chance.
In the days of Noah, many young people missed their chance to get in the ark. Joshua went into the land with the new generation. Sampson’s locks begin to grow back again and that represented the new generation of young people. Just like Sampson, you must be anointed with the Holy Spirit, with the eagle anointing like your parents have on them. For some bizarre reason I keep emphasizing the Holy Ghost. Live right, dress right, and do all you can that’s right. If by chance you slip and fall don’t stay down. Quickly get up and keep running. The Holy Ghost is a must. Keep echoing with your mouth, I shall receive the Holy Ghost. It’s more than anything that this corrupt world has to offer you. Please take advantage of these upcoming youth meetings.
May God richly bless you young people,
Bro. Leeroy
Well, the Acquire The Fire meeting is over. I know that everyone had a good time. I trust that God granted your expectations. I encourage all the youth to keep the fire burning in your life. Never let that revival go out. To those that had an experience, never forget the experience, but build on it. David built on his experience with bear, lion and then the giant. Feed your experience by testifying about what God did, keeping a good prayer life and maintaing your worship. You can also read your bible and listen to the Message more. Always come to church spiritually hungry. If you go to a restaurant already full, you won’t eat much food because you are already full. If you come to church on an empty stomach, you can fill up on the Word of God that is served. At a descent restaurant one must have good table manners to please the host. We should never upset the host because the service will not be good. It’s the same in church, songs might be good, worship might be good, but God is the host and if he is grieved or upset the service will not be good. Remember, Jesus will go anywhere that he is invited. Jesus will stay only if he is welcomed.
May God richly bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
I will never forget our bible studies on the book of Ephesians. It was truly a blessing to me. The last chapter of Ephesians talks about the whole armor of God. My spitual armor, I sleep with it on. I shower, eat, and do everything else with it on me. I will never take it off until I get my new body change. Why, because I do not trust the devil at all.
Our pastor warned us to prepare ourselves for battle. It’s the fiery tests that are among us. We are tried like gold. When gold is heated the fire can’t destroy the gold. The fire makes the gold pure. Our tests are to only make us pure Christians, believers in Christ. The fire brings out what was already in us. Notice the 3 Hebrew fellows in Daniel 3. They was tried in the fire, but Daniel 3:27 says that the fire had no power upon their bodies. Wow, neither does the devil have power over our bodies. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost. The bible also says in Daniel 3:19 that the fire was heated up 7 times more than before. We got to fight the devils in this age plus all the other ages. That is a total of 7 ages. All the devils combined in 7 ages are coming against us. The devil can’t test you and I without permission from God.
May God bless you and keep fighting.
Never, ever take your armor off.
Bro. Leeroy
I want to thank God for his five-fold ministry. In Ephesians 4;11, all 5 of them have a unique abilities which differ from the other. It would be boring, if all preached the same and had the style. But God made them all different and i like that. Here is an example. I love chicken, but not one way all the time. I like it fried, baked, roasted, boiled, and sometimes barbecued on a grill. It is the same chicken but cooked different ways. One minister might bring his message with a lot of bible reading running scripture with scripture. Another minister might bring his message with the reading of a lot of quotes. Another one might bring his message with bible stories and the use of drama to help bring out his thought. Another minister might bring his message after just reading one scripture and then take off from there. That’s his inspiration. Another one might preach from one of Bro. Branham’s messages. What I am trying to say is that it’s all the same evening time, message of the hour. They are all pointing to Jesus. That’s why God gave us taste buds. Revelation 10:8, I took the book and ate it. It’s manna from God to eat. God gave us an appetite to eat and these are God’s servants who serve us the food. The spiritual taste buds that God gave us love to eat from all of God’s servants. Praise God. Thank you Lord.
God bless you,
Bro. Leeroy
I would like to comment on the youth service recently preached by Bro. Justin Smiley. The title was The Church of Today. Brother I salute you for that message. It was well said and it was fitting for the time. It was an encouraging message with precise instruction to the youth. I was not there, but, I listened online. The preacher ministers the Word and then God places it where it needs to go. Each generation get its chance at the Word and will have their very own revival. God loves the youth so much, that, every one that makes the rapture, will become a youth if they are not already a youth. That is wonderful. There is many more youth in the Bible that was used at a young age. King Josiah, King Soloman was a child, King David, Joseph was 17, Jeremiah was just a child when he was called, Mary, John the Baptist, and you remember a lot of the older generation didn’t cross over, but perished in the wilderness for not believing. Joshua crossed over with the new generation, You are the young people that are going to cross over following, God’s ministries of today. You can see how each generation thinks different from the other. Their mind set or their perspectives may be different, but they got a message in common. God calls the young, because, they are strong. Take your sword and fight young people.
Bro. Justin, that was a job well done. I just had to say something as it is good to give credit, where credit is due.
God richly bless you
Bro. Leeroy
I would like to say to the church, family and friends. I trust you will have a Merry Christmas. No doubt this season will be devoted to giving and receiving gifts. I don’t have much to offer, but I want to give to all that will receive my gift. This is the ultimate and the best gift that anyone could give. Remember, a gift is not measured by size, shape, value, or cost, but is measured in the love and compassion. My gift is in 2 Corinthians 9:15, which says, “Thanks, be to unto God; FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE GIFT”. God’s wrapped gift is the gift of the Savior, our LORD JESUS who died for our sins. The word unspeakable means impossible to describe on incapable of being expressed in words. Wow,what a gift! If you don’t have it, please take it. Jesus is the reason for the season.
May God Richly Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
Church, watch night service was truly a blessing. I enjoyed the worship and especially the Word, ministered by Bro Holloway. ‘Placed by Prochecy’, was truly edifying. It was a struggle for me to get there, but by God’s grace I made it. When he spoke of the order, that was what touched me the most. The right understanding, is the right order, but the wrong understanding is the wrong order. An example of this is spark plug wires. For that car to run correctly, there is a right order to put them in. If they are put in wrong, that car will not run right. His church also has to be placed in the right order to run. The leaders, deacons, trustees, song leaders, musicians, should be all in one accord and working together in love. If they are out of order, the church will run, but not as precise as it could. My God is a God of order in testing, in blessing, and in victories. In Genesis 22:9 Abraham laid the wood in order. In I Kings 18:33, Elijah put the wood in order. In Joshua 6, God gave Joshua instruction, when to keep quiet and when to shout. They also marched around in order. In Acts 2 they were setting order and in one accord. God set the stars in order. No one can take your place in the body. There is no replacements. Remember if spark plug wires are put in wrong, the car will misfire, backfire, run rough, sound bad, and maybe smoke. Now apply that spiritual to our church body.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
Church, God recently delivered me from a judgmental spirit. No one can answer a question, and set free like our God. For years, I battled with this. God put on my heart that when you see a brother or sister in sin, there is 4 things you don’t know. First, you don’t know how hard they may have tried not to sin. Secondly, you don’t know the power of the forces that assailed them. The third thing you don’t know is what you would have done in the same circumstances. Lastly, if it was you, how would you judge yourself. Now judge the other person the way you judged yourself. I asked the Lord to validate this by showing me something in the bible that was related to my situation. God showed me in II Samuel 12 where the prophet brought a parable to King David. After David heard it, he quickly wanted to judge the man. But when he was told that he was the guilty man, he quickly changed his mind as to how it should be handled. He wanted the man to die, but he didn’t want to die when he realized he was guilty one in the situation. God loved me so much, that He looked beyond my faults, and saw my needs. I also was led to read St. Matthew 7:1-2. It tells us to judge not, that we be not judged. I believe sometimes I got it backwards. God said, I looked beyond, your faults, and saw your needs. At times we might say, I look at your faults, and look over your needs. Lord help me and I am grateful for how my God delivers.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
I would like to encourage you all. If your prayers are not answered yet, never stop asking and thanking our God until it is received. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. If it is not worth the waiting, it is not worth the asking. Read Ephesians 3:20. Here is an example. Let’s say you buy a certificate of deposit for 5 years. When you cash in or redeem your cd at maturity, you will receive what you put in, plus the interest. But if you cash in early, or withdraw early before it matures, there is a penalty for that. If you quit going to church before the rapture occurs there is a penalty. In Job 1, 2, and 3, Job invested in some CDs. He had 10 cd deposit and after 10 years of gained interest, Job cashed in. He reached his maturity agreement in Job 42:12-15. This tells me that his interest doubled in size. What an investment. Please don’t embarrass my God by asking little of him. He is a big and mighty God. Ask for BIG THINGs. God wants us to ask Him. Read these verses in Matthew 7:7, Matthew 7:11, Matthew 21:23, Luke 11:13, James 4:3, John 14:13-14, John 15:7, 1 John 5:14. What if the queens children came to her and asked for a nickel. That would be an insult to her. What if a little fish in the ocean said I better drink only a little water at a time, because I don’t want to run out. Deposit in God and at the end you will get a good return. If someone tells you that you been in the test for years, say to them sister or brother, I am gaining interest every day, just like our Brother Job. Your maturity date is coming. Maybe it’s a healing, a job need, or a deliverance. No matter what it is, until it comes, keep claiming your healing or whatever it is.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
What a mighty time we had during the Acquire the Fire 2014 services. Our desire was to see lives transformed by the power and spirit of God. If this were to occur in 1 person, then the meetings would have been worth it all. I am convinced that God did something special for many and I solicit your testimonies of transformation.
Romans 12:1-2
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
God Bless You,
Pastor Jack Duff
God bless you young people.I viewed the Acquire the Fire meetings. I am waiting to here what our God did for you. Just by listening to the services, I know you all had a very good time. I am not going to comment but I will say this, to try to jump start a young person to say something. The fire might spread to another to say something. Let’s say a group of young people go to a theme park, school field trip, fair, or any fun place that the young people like. They will talk about it when they get home. They will comment on what they rode, what they ate, and all what they did right. The meeting was good too with spiritual food, good singing, and good worship. I know that my God blessed some young person, so tell it. If He did something special for you, tell your testimony, because it might help someone else.
God Bless You Young People,
Bro. Leeroy
I thank God for the youth, especially those in our local assembly. I know that many received the Holy Ghost. You know young people that the devil is scared to death of that holy fire. You may ask why? You can read Matthew 8:29 which says he will be tormented in that fire. The Holy Ghost is a must. When you have it, the devil and his demons will be scared of you and your life will express it just like Paul, Peter, Mary, Stephen, and many more expressed it.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
There’s not enough words, in any language to describe how special and amazing the Acquire the Fire meetings were. It was very well needed for the youth all over South Florida. You get a sense that there is genuinely a young people who need to be not just filled, but sealed with the Holy Ghost in their lives. Overall you can see that young people are on the rise, not just in churches but in standing for the truth. They are becoming true living ambassadors for the kingdom of God. Personally I was praying for a complete breakthrough and total deliverance for all young people. I know that many times in life, especially with young people like myself that we can rise up, and be on fire for a short period of time. Within a matter of time, our hot fire, has become nothing but dwindling flames and piles of burnt ashes. It was good to see that, those who were flamed out, had there fires reignited. And those who were on fire, added more wood to it. Many of the testimonies actually took place the following week at a youth service, at Bro. Wesco’s church. I would suggest folks to go and get the copy to that service, and then you will really see the impact of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us and what He is continually doing for us right now. He is moving through our midst, living and magnifying Himself in our lives.
God bless you,
Bro Paul Jean
God spoke to me on in Sundays morning, which was spoken by Bro Watkins.Just to know how much we are valued by God. He chose us as His house to dwell in. God won’t live in a house without any value. We are the the temple of the Holy Ghost. Wow! We need to know what we are worth. We are his prize possession, His elected lady, the apple of His eye. We are priceless. There is no amount of gold that can buy us. We belong to God. If some how you can’t see that, perhaps you have marked yourself down. Get off the clearance rack, and get behind the glass, where they keep the valuable stuff. You are that valuable stuff. You are made out of stuff, that the devil can’t bluff. You are fortified by the walls of God’s Word. That means you are fully protected. Be perseverant in continuing a course of action toward the mark of the high calling. I encourage you to keep pressing on while disregarding discouragement, opposition, or previous failure. Above all, be mindful that God is tabernacled in you and I. What a honor. Accept nothing negative, be postive all the time. Never under value yourself, less than what God made you.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy
To the young people who have yet to receive the Holy Ghost, I encourage you to keep praying, living right, doing right, and acting right. God will give it to you. If you were to some into contact with high voltage electricity, it would shake or quicken you. That power would grab you, and you won’t be able to get away from it. If someone were to touch you after you encountered electricity, they will also be affected by that power. If you don’t cut off the power, it will kill the person. Now in type, if you get touched by the Holy Ghost, it will shake you and quicken you.That Holy Ghost power will grab you, and you can’t get away from it. It can affect others around you to. You don’t want the Holy Ghost power ever to be turned off in your life, until it spiritually kills the old nature. Only the master electrician can give it to you. If that same Spirit, that raised Christ from the dead, it will quicken your mortal body. In Acts 2 they were affected by the Holy Ghost. That same power can heal you, fill you, develiver you, or do whatever you have need o.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy Franklin
Know ye not that your body is a temple for the HolyGhost to dwell in. We are bought with a price. Recently I read a story of Muhummad Ali’s advice to his daughters, after his daughters arrived to his home wearing clothing that was not modest:
Wow, what powerful words of encouragement from a man thats not claiming to be in the Message. We as brothers and especially sisters should cover up. God made us and we are highly highly value to Him. You should be so covered in Christ, that it should be hard for someone to easily get to you. The way you present yourself in dress will show if you know your full value.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy Franklin
I like to do a comparison to Dr. JESUS and all the health professionals. Dr. JESUS has a proven record that he heals not only the natural body, but the spiritual body as well. All other health professionals don’t claim to be healers. They just aid or help assist in the healing process. They prescribe medicine, set bones, and do surgical perdeeduces on the body. Sometimes we literally place our lives into their hands and believe that they will make the appropriates decisions regarding our well being and overall care. Keep in mind they are not perfect, but JESUS is. They are human and sometimes errors or mistakes can occur. Dr. JESUS never makes mistakes, errors, or wrong decisions. He heals by His spoken word. Most medical doctors write different prescriptions to help their patients. Dr. JESUS writes the same prescription all the time. I am the Lord, that healeth thee. By His stripes, we are healed. For more prescription, review Psalms 103:3, Exodus 23:25, Jeremiah 30:17. Health professionals will diagnose their patients according to their training or experience. For example if someone goes to a doctor to report a backache, a rheumatologist might say its arthitis in your back. A chiropractor might say, your back needs adjusting. A family doctor might say your back needs some muscles relaxers. A physical therapist might say you need to adjust your posture. All are slightly different assessments from each other, but my JESUS always gives the right assessment, because He knows all things. I’ll choose my JESUS every time.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy Franklin
Just for a brief moment, let’s think of how powerful God’s word and promises is to us. Philippians 1:6 says being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you, will perform it, until the day of Jesus Christ. That is God speaking. Philippians 1.6 coincides with Isaiah 55:11. It’s a decree from God, and it’s got to happen. Why? He knows all things, from the beginning to the end. Our destiny is greater than anything that the devil and the world has to offer. Greater is he that’s in us, than he that’s in the world. You see, what is in you is far greater than anything that can happen to you. What is inside of you, is more powerful than any force on the outside. God doesn’t stop or pause his plan for you and I until we are a finish product. There is no plan or plot or scheme, that the devil can come up with to stop you and I from coming forth in God’s plan for our life. His purpose will be completed. Do you know there is no weapon that the enemy the devil can form against us that will prosper. We will not be defeated. A door shut, means another door open. An ending means a new beginning for us. A setback is just a comeback. Our disappointments will become God’s appointments. I may fall, but I will get back up. Sometimes I may be down, but i am not out. God looks beyond the now. He see us as a finished product.
God bless You,
Bro. Leeroy Franklin
Never forget this quotation;’A Winner Never quits and a quitter never wins.’ I encourage you to keep running and if you ever stop or fall down, get up and keep running. The race isn’t over yet. There is a group called ‘The Navy Seals’. There training last about 30 months and is sometimes brutal. They strecth you beyond your limits. Why, to make sure you’re are worthy to serve in the best fighting force. With them ,losing is not accepted and you have to endure an enormous amount of pain. Usually 700 will start out, but 700 will not finish the course. If someone can’t make it, they are given the opportunity to ring a bell 3 times, for submission. Now their is another spiritual Army called the Army of the LORD. The leader is a 5 star General and His name is Jesus. He is King of Kings. He has a proven record of winning and has never lost a battle. He choose his Army by predestination and once chosen, you can’t quit. Neither will you be defeated. You are chosen as a winner and you will win. Sure at times, we might get tired, weak, or even get a little discouraged along the way. But always keep in mind we can’t ever lose because we are fully equipped. Read Ephesians 6. We are that winning Army in Rev 19:14, 19, 20 and in Rev 20:13, 14, 15 it tells us the the devil is defeated. Why would any one want to be on a loosing side. You know what, even the devil is not a quitter as he gifts until he is cast into the lake of fire. Though the scripture says that he will lose, he will fight us until the end. We are serving beside God’s best chosen warriors, our bothers and sisters. So let us go on, in the Name of JESUS. Let us possess every gate of our enemy. Let us stand at the forefront of the battle field. For we are more than able to over come the enemy. We are vessels of honor that he has chosen, so keep moving on. Forward march! Jesus is the winner man.
God Bless You,
Bro. Leeroy Franklin