Crown of Righteousness

Recently we have endured the loss of 2 precious saints. Certainly we feel the loss in earth but realize there is no possible way that either of the saints would trade places with us at this moment. We rejoice in knowing that we will reunite on heaven’s beautiful shore. Paul stated the following and I feel it is the testimony of every child of God as we cross over.

7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Yes, it is the testimony of every saint. I have fought a good fight. I am sure our precious sisters are enjoying their crowns for they truly loved the appearing of the Lord. I believe the following quote will aide us in understanding what the crown of righteousness is.

When you’re sick and tired of this whole life, and you love the appearing of the Lord Jesus better than you love your food at the table, or your wife, or your children, then there’s a crown laid up for you, not a crown, a gold crown they put upon your head, but a body free from pain of… crowned in the glory of God, crowned in the immortality of Jesus Christ. That’s what’s laid up for you, that the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give you it that day. That’s the day we look forward to. God has made a way of escape for every one of us, certainly He has.

William Branham


When the battle is over, we shall wear a crown.

Pastor Jack E. Duff

1 thought on “Crown of Righteousness

  1. This certainly makes one to just wanna sit in a corner and cry tears that are of joy, saying from within “Father I finally understand, it all makes sense now”. No wonder we are the most happiest people in the world, acting like we do, living the kind of life we do. It is because there is a crown waiting.

    In The great DRAMA OF GLORY: when the first man played his part choosing to redeem his bride broke God’s word. That’s when “the crowns where taken back to The original owner (Matt 18:10) reason being by that one mans disobedience. But thank God for our Lord Jesus Christ who became obedient to death and by that gave us the earnest that when this earthly pest-house be dissolved we have a “crown of righteousness” already waiting in Glory

    We are closing off the last chapter of The Book (Heb 12:1) seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patients the race that is set before us looking to the author and finisher of “The Book” our faith.

    Even so, come Lord Jesus come!

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